Carbon County Public Health

Mission: Promote, improve, and protect the health and well-being of the people of Carbon County. To work with individuals, families, and the community through a variety of programs, services, and education to prevent and control disease and injury.


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Tobacco Prevention


Communicable Disease Services

Reporting & Contact Studies

State law requires reporting of all communicable diseases to the Public Health Department. Residents with a diagnosed communicable disease receive confidential counseling and education regarding disease treatment and follow-up care from a Public Health Nurse.

Immunization Administration & Services

Immunizations can be administered at the Public Health Office. The cost of immunizations vary according to the vaccine administered and may be billed to your insurance provider. Special programs are available for those without insurance or the resources to pay for immunizations.

CDC Immunization Schedules

Immunizations available through our office include the following:

Record Keeping

The State of Montana maintains a database with immunization records of children throughout the state. The Carbon County Public Health Nurses update and monitor the immunization status of all students attending schools in Carbon County and records this information in the State database. The Carbon County Public Health Nurse reviews and monitors the immunization status of all children in registered Daycare Centers in the county. If you have a question about your child’s immunization status, you can contact our office or your primary care physician for assistance.

Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program

Mission: To address the public health crisis caused by the use of all forms of commercial tobacco products. MTUPP will work to eliminate tobacco use, especially among young people, through statewide programs and policies.

Program Goals: Reduce disease, disability, and death related to tobacco use by:

  • Preventing tobacco use among young people;
  • Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke;
  • Eliminating disparities related to tobacco use and its effects among certain population groups; and
  • Promoting quitting among adults and young people.