April 1, 2019

April 1, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner DeArmond discussed the CDBG funding meeting with the Red Lodge Community Foundation at the Roosevelt Center.
9:00 Architect Susan Hovde met with Commissioners and Sheriff Josh McQuillan regarding the sally port addition to the Court House. When Susan presented previous commissioners with the other options to drain water in the sally port, she was told by previous Commissioner John Grewell that the Sheriff’s Office can squeegee out any water. Susan believes she has satisfied her role per the contract. Commissioner Bullock noted they want the Sheriff’s Office to function better in the space. Susan noted it was her understanding that DEQ required a sand separator for commercial garage to account for fluids; City did not give her the option to do sand separator the only option proposed by the City was for surface drainage. Her concern is that other options will not meet ADA or DEQ regulations. Susan noted an option is to cut in “strip drain” that would flow to a sump pump; there would still be water pooling under vehicles, but it would prevent it from going to other places. Her concern regarding surface drain is creating ice issues in the area. Sheriff Josh McQuillan asked if the walk-in door near garage door is what prevented a slope on the floor. Susan confirmed that that door is considered one of two required accessible exits for ADA compliance. Susan noted garage door does not satisfy egress and can not be considered one of the “accessible exits.” Susan noted if county wanted to take different approach, she would like a letter indemnifying her of liability. Susan would be agreeable to financially assist the County on a remedy as long as the option follows all codes. Commissioner Blain asked why plans were not made to fit what was built. Susan noted the plans were specked so that ADA compliance superseded other concerns. Susan does not believe there were any deviations from the plans. In the Bid process, Susan clarified that drainage was secondary to ADA. On garage floor that is ADA believes slope can be 1/20 w/o requiring hand rails on walking path.
9:20 Commissioner Bullock left the meeting to tend to a road that was washing out.
Commissioner Blain asked if the City would reconsider tying into the sewer connection in the alleyway. Susan noted there is no storm sewer access in the vicinity so water would need to surface drain to storm sewer. Sheriff Josh McQuillan asked about weather stripping around vehicles to contain water; Susan noted if it was under 1/2” it would still meet ADA specification. Susan agreed that might be the best least expensive solution. Susan will look into product options. Sheriff Josh McQuillan noted might have issues with DUI processing with the longer vehicles he is concerned the floor is still too slick to do DUI processing in the sally port.
10:00 Sanitarian in Training Cortney Lynde met with Commissioners for her monthly update. She has received her Sanitarian in Training license and training with Travis West is going well. She noted the Tomahawk trying to avoid tying into City sewer.
10:30 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners for his monthly meeting (report attached). He noted there were no ice jamming issues this year. Commissioners discussed enforcement of the burn permit system. Tom’s position has been to leave that decision up to the fire chief to coordinate with law enforcement. Tom noted he is looking at possible Hazard Mitigation Grant for the Bridger ditch; every few years the ditch overflows and floods streets in the Town of Bridger. Commissioner DeArmond will touch base with Town of Bridger public works. Tom has confirmed with Yellowstone County that the name for old Highway 310/212 will be named Clarks River Road when the bypass is completed. Tom discussed the Professional Services Agreement with Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions Inc. Tom noted the company is under a new name but is the same one that worked on the technical aspects of the 2013 plan. Commissioner DeArmond moved to enter into Professional Services Agreement with Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. to revise the County’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan now referred to as a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned