April 12, 2018

April 12, 2018
Commissioners Robert “Pits” DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Gordon Sirrine was present.
Commissioners approve Sheriff Josh McQuillan’s request to trade the Chrysler 300 for a transport van and to move $3,500 from line item 392 Boarding Prisoners to line 944 Transportation Equipment. An older Sheriff Department Tahoe will be stripped to replace the Chrysler as a motor pool vehicle.
9:20 Therese Picasso Edwards met with Commissioners regarding a County transportation plan. She noted AmeriCorps VISTA applications are opening soon; Therese believes this project is a good way to address poverty County wide. The Commissioners referred Therese to the County Growth Policy as an additional planning resource.
9:50 Commissioner DeArmond move to adopt Resolution 2018-06 Adopt Asset Management Policy; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz met with Commissioners regarding the purchase request for a transport van.
County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting. Sheriff, Commissioners and County Attorney discussed the road crew towing vehicles for the Sheriff’s office. Angela confirmed the towing would be covered by the County’s liability insurance. Commissioner Bullock noted issues with the recent Court House addition; the baseboard and silicone put in place to provide a water barrier is not sufficient to keep water out of the walls. Alex suggested a letter be sent to the architect and contractor demanding the issues be remedied. 10:05 Civil Contract Attorney Jacque Papez joined meeting. Sheriff and Commissioners also discussed temperature fluctuations within the sally port and the effects it could have on the intoximeter; Sheriff Josh McQuillan would like to do some accuracy tests before constructing an area around it.
10:10 Scott Boggio joined the meeting.
Mike Jones from MT Limestone met with Commissioners to follow-up on the interlocal with Wyoming and creating a Warren Rural Fire District. Commissioners noted the Interlocal Agreement is in the preapproval stage with the Montana Attorney General and they are looking for a point person to move the creation of the Rural Fire District forward.

Commissioners, Sheriff, and County Attorney continued their discussion on the Court House addition. Alex asked how many meetings there have been and requested all email correspondence be sent to his office with a summary of any in person discussions. Commissioner Blain asked if there were restrictions on a husband and wife being on the same fire district board; Alex advised they refer to any district policies, but noted it is not a nepotism issue. Commissioner Blain also asked if there are any restrictions for a medical marijuana shop to put up a business sign in Roberts; Alex is not aware of any restrictions. Commissioner Bullock noted correspondence from Seth Decker regarding the City of Red Lodge imposing vacant lot sewer fees at Remington Ranch; Alex noted someone may need to review subdivision files and agreements with City when the Subdivision was created. Shannon will have the first draft of the complaint against Industrial Communications for the Simulcast Radio System to Jacque in the next week. The Burgen decision should be received in the next couple of months.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for March 8 & 19; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb, County Attorney Alex Nixon, Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols, and District Court Clerk Rochelle Loyning met with Commissioners for Compensation Board meeting to discuss elected official salaries for fiscal year 2018-2019. Public Members of the Compensation Board, Anne Christ, Joe Johnston, and Gory Hill, recommended a 3.25% salary increase. Commissioner Blain noted he believes he increase should be less to allow an increase in insurance premium contributions to cover lowest premium plan for the employees; Kevin would like pay raise as it benefits all employees including the 7 that do not participate in insurance and the 4 permanent employees that do not qualify for insurance benefits. Kevin Nichols moved to accept the recommendation of public members of compensation board for 3.25% salary increase; Alex seconded; Commissioner Blain voted nay, Commissioner DeArmond and Commissioner Bullock voted yay, motion carried. Commissioner Blain moved to give the same 3.25% increase to other County employees; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant