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April 15, 2019

April 15, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners. Tom Dunne with be in Red Lodge on Wednesday with Codan to check in on the Simulcast Radio system install and review the Bridger Radio Tower site. Tom noted there will also be a Fire Council meeting on Wednesday; Derek Jager will be at the meeting to discuss changes to the Interlocal Agreement with DNRC. Today at 2:00 he and Sheriff Josh McQuillan will be meeting with AT&T regarding the First Net cellular network which gives priority to first responders on cell networks. Tom will be looking at dates in May for wildland fire training for the road crew.
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Justice Court End of Period Disbursement for March 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Public Hearing Compensation Board. Joe Johnson, Pam Christ, Gordy Hill, County Attorney Alex Nixon, Clerk and Recorder Christine L. Stovall, Treasurer/ Superintendent of Schools Lori Lynde, and Sheriff Josh McQuillan were present. The Compensation Board discussed the Management Discussion and Analysis section of the County’s most recent audit and the County’s financial position. Commissioners also noted they plan to increase health insurance premium contributions to employees and are exploring implementing a permissive mill levy to pay for the contribution increase. The Board discussed upcoming capital projects including paving Farewell Road between the old Highway 212 and the newly aligned Highway 310/212. Commissioners noted they expect the north end of the county to grow upon the highway’s completion. 9:20 Public members adjourned to discuss compensation. County Attorney Alex Nixon left meeting to prepare for court. 9:55 public members rejoined the meeting. The public members recommended a 2.1% cost of living increase and a 1.5% raise for a total increase of 3.6%. Public members left the meeting. There was discussion among the elected officials regarding the increased health insurance contributions for employees. It was determined the dollar equivalent of a 2% wage increase paid for the $100/mo premium contribution increase. Commissioner DeArmond moved to increase the Elected Official base salary be 1.5% with $100 increase in insurance premium contributions for fiscal year 2019-2020; Commissioner Bullock seconded; there was some discussion about the impact on the 4 part time employees who do not qualify for insurance Commissioners noted they have had opportunities to be full-time; motion carried unanimously.

11:00 Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols, Sanitarian in Training Cortney Lynde, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley, Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald, Treasurer / Superintendent of Schools Lori Lynde, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, and Janitor / Building Maintenance Supervisor Rick Martin were present for the Department Head meeting. Commissioners reviewed the Compensation Board’s discussion regarding compensation and health insurance premium contributions. Extension Agent Nikki Bailey and Paralegal Judy Prinkki joined the meeting. Department Heads discussed employee pay steps and implementing employee evaluations. Commissioners have had received comments that employees would like more formal feedback, but were not sure if department heads would like a more formal process. Judge Nichols noted he is opposed to formal mandated evaluations based on his experience with them as a state employee. Judy noted she does not believe County Attorney Alex Nixon would be in favor of mandated evaluations. Sheriff Josh McQuillan likes the idea of adding some pay steps as an incentive for training. Clerk and Recorder Stovall noted evaluations would provide uniformity across departments; she also noted the need to make sure wage increases are more uniform across departments. There was a discussion about the upcoming surplus property sale. Clerk and Recorder Christine L. Stovall noted she would prefer a live sale rather than an online auction; she expressed concerns about the buyer premium cost of 7-10%. Commissioners requested disposal forms for any items to be included in the auction be delivered by April 26. Tom Kohley discussed the upcoming fire evacuation procedures training and drills. He also noted there will be active shooter defense training May 30th
12:00 Adjourned