NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

April 18, 2016


          April 18, 2016

          Commissioners Doug Tucker and John Grewell were present.

Malarie Cates met with commissioners regarding the Fairgrounds Keeper position.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

9:00 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to discuss Grant Awards. Carbon County received a $100,000 grant for Emergency Notification and Public Information system upgrades and a $51,054 to upgrade the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office Mobile Data Terminals.

9:00 Commissioner Grewell moved to include in the purchasing policy prior approval from the Commissioners for grant and donation expenditures; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

9:30 Commissioner Grewell moved to designate Earmarked Alcohol Tax Money to Journey Recovery – Satellite Office; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

9:55 Commissioner John Prinkki joined the meeting.

10:00 Ross and Jenny Wapples met with Commissioners regarding a request for a subdivision review waiver. Contract Planner Monica Plecker was present. Tract 2 was created as an agricultural tract and the owners would like to lift the restrictions. Monica noted the process for lifting the restrictions, per the Subdivision Regulations, currently requires a subdivision review. Monica noted other communities’ regulations allow for administrative review, but that process is not currently in place for Carbon County and a Public Hearing would be required for the Planning Board to amend the Subdivision Regulations to allow for an expedited Administrative Review. Commissioner Grewell would like to see any changes to the process still include notices to neighboring landowners. Monica noted that the Department of Environmental Quality would be involved with this specific lot because it is less than 20 acres; if no facilities are proposed there is no reason to lift the covenants. Monica noted the Administrative Review process would only reduce processing time, not necessarily reduce costs.

10:35 Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald met with Commissioners to discuss adding Western Common Mullein to the County noxious weed list as recommended by the Weed District Board. Commissioner Tucker moved to add Western Common Mullein to the Carbon County Noxious Weed List; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.


Brian also discussed City of Red Lodge Weed program. The City has not renewed their contract for weed enforcement; Brian noted the County Weed Department will not enforce non-compliance in the City if they do not have an educated person conducting weed enforcement. Commissioners recommended he write a letter to the City outlining what needs to be done at city level for County backing.

11:00 Sheriff Josh McQuillan, County Attorney Alex Nixon, and Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols met with Commissioners to address security issues in the Courthouse. Kevin would like to revisit enclosing the Clerk’s counter in the Justice Court Office with glass; he would also like to see some of the doors in the building replaced with pass code doors to help increase security. Commissioners requested a list of improvements and prices be prepared for preliminary budget meetings.

Commissioners processed time approvals for April 3 – 16, 2016.

12:00 Adjourned


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant