April 18, 2017


April 18, 2017

Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

9:00 Dean Bray Manager Dakota Coal/MT Limestone, Roxanne Woeste Senior Tax Analyst Basin Electric Power Co., Mike Jones Interim Superintendent MT Limestone, and Don Boehm Manager of Multistate Tax for Basin Electric Power Co. met with Commissioners regarding changes and updates on operations. MT Limestone is contracted by Big Horn Limestone Co. for mining operations. Under the current contract, MT Limestone pays Big Horn Limestone a royalty on the limestone that is mined. Basin Electric, parent company to MT Limestone, now owns 50% of Big Horn Limestone; when the mining contract was renegotiated they chose not to pay themselves royalties. This change will reduce the taxable royalty payments and reduce property taxes paid to county and state by approximately $80,000/yr. Don noted the company hopes to expand mining operations and is looking for markets for non-chemical limestone.

9:40 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant