April 2, 2020

April 2, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present. Commissioners Secretary Barbara Daniel participated via phone.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept Treasurer Cash report for March 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder’s Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for March 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed motor grader and gravel crushing bids.
Clerk and Recorder met Christine Stovall with Commissioners regarding moving Deputy Clerk and Recorder Crystal Roascio’s work station home to allow her to work from home during the stay-at-home order.
Commissioners discussed convening the Compensation Board via teleconference.
9:00 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined via phone he noted the upcoming City Council meeting will be via GoToMeeting.
9:30 Mayor Larson provided an update from the Red Lodge Police Department; they have written three citations for violations of the Public Health Orders.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon called in for his regular meeting. He noted reviewing the motor grader bid.
Commissioners viewed CarbonAlert.org live event regarding COVID-19.
11:00 Commissioners listened to a conference call with the Sheriff Reserve organization regarding changes in how officers will be paid. Based on guidance from the Department of Corrections, the County will contract with the Reserve organization for services and they will pay officers directly rather than the officers being paid through County payroll.
Commissioners discussed correspondence with Roberts Highway 212 Improvement Safety Committee (RISC) regarding the Highway 212 construction project. Commissioners are not in favor of supporting a total redesign of the project.
12:00 Lunch

1:00 Gary Levine Spectrum Group Architects, Ken Gallegos Lombard/Conrad Architects, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, and Steve Simonson Beartooth RC&D met via phone to discuss the Detention Facility Plan. Gary discussed site costs following the Interstate Engineering phone conference on Tuesday. A significant factor in the increased cost of the project is due to the necessary upgrades to City water mains for the project. Gary recommended the utility upgrade costs be kept separate from the facility construction costs. Commissioners discussed options to reduce the cost of the project including only building the shell for some of the housing units. Gary discussed how the project could be bid with a number of alternatives so project can be flexible depending on how the bids come in. Steve Simonson discussed some grant opportunities for the project including rural development grant or the rural utilities service grant through North Western Energy.
Ken reviewed the plan changes from the last meeting. One contact visitation room can now double as release area to help relieve congestion in the booking area. A toilet was added to the booking area and a shower was added to the sally port. Ken reviewed final report.
Simonson discussed annual operating expenses and noted an additional 5 beds with revenue would make cash flow positive. Ken noted with less beds being used by Carbon those beds could generate revenue. Commissioners agreed to changing the occupancy to 96% for the final report operating budget.

2.30 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
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