April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Gordon Sirrine (via tele-conference) were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
8:40 Treasurer Lori Lynde and Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall joined the meeting to discuss modifications to the lobby area to manage COVID-19 social distancing when the office re-opens to the public.
8:50 Election Administrator Macque Bohleen joined the meeting via tele-conference.
Newell reported that Pam Walling of MACo had communicated that MACo has provided insurance provisions allowing part-time employees, under 30 hours/week, to be eligible for health insurance at the County’s discretion. Discussion about offering insurance to part-time employees on a pro-rated basis for employer contribution; Newell will investigate with MACo and readdress at a future date.
9:00 Continued discussion considering reinstatement of the Road Superintendent position. After detailing pros and cons, Commissioner Blain stated that it’s a great idea with bad timing due to COVID-19 and having only two commissioners at present. Commissioners Blain and Bullock concurred that to finance the position, each of the three Commissioners would need to take a $22k pay cut from their base salaries. They will revisit the issue during the upcoming budgeting process.
9:30 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined via tele-conference to discuss the Bridger Commissioner vacancy. Discussion regarding requirements and protocol contained in 7-4-2206 Montana Code Annotated: Vacancies — appointment of interim officer. Commissioner Bullock expressed, and Commissioner Blain concurred, being in favor of not appointing a Commissioner this close to an election so that the public can clearly elect their choice through vote in November. 9:40 Beartooth RC&D Steve Simonson joined the meeting via tele-conference. Commissioners will plan to pass a resolution in the beginning of May to schedule a 10-day Open Filing Period for the vacancy. Public comment offered during the meeting came from Sirrine who agreed with opening the filing for the 10-day period.
10:00 Simonson, Brittany Martinez of Rural Development Billings, and Sheriff Josh McQuillan tele-conferenced to discuss Rural Development grant opportunities for the proposed detention facility. Rural Development Facility Grant funding for the State is minimal and would not be able to fund a significant portion of the detention facility.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for March 19th, 24th, and 26th, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed the phased re-opening of the State and the County regarding COVID-19.
12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary