April 27, 2023

April 27, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment: Jeff Krook, Swine Superintendent of Carbon County Youth Fair met to express his concerns regarding the procedure and protocol for changing the Fair schedule. He is concerned that digital notices for Fair Board Agendas are not getting sufficient notice; 3 of the superintendents were aware of the schedule and logistical changes made by the Fair Board. Krook emphasized the need for better communication in the future. 8:40 Commissioner Scott Blain joined the meeting.
Marcell Manuel echoed Krook’s comments. Believes there was a total breakdown in communication. Concerned that draft minutes were not provided upon request. Concerned that there is no requirement for cooperation with 4H or FFA; Blain noted both entities have representatives on the Fair Board that should help with communication. Blain also noted the Fair is a Carbon County Youth Fair not a 4H Fair.
Jennifer Drinkwalter presented maps for road races this summer and the road Encroachment permits.
9:00 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to discuss the Road Maintenance Priority list. Rodney Helton, Robert Weatherwax, and others were in attendance. Bullock discussed Ukkala Road; currently a Priority 2 road, but there is only one resident on the road at this time, he would like to lower it to Priority 3. Kohley presented the existing road priority map and list as they now stand. Matt Randolph of Robertson Draw Road requested the Commissioners to increase the maintenance level to priority 2 due to an increase in full-time residences with school children and medical needs. Randolph noted the road provides public access to National Forest and BLM lands and recreational use impacts the road. Robert Evans noted the significant vehicle maintenance costs he attributes to driving the road. Rodney noted future plans to construct a home in the future, but the status of the road is concerning from an investment perspective. Manuel asked when Robertson Draw became a County road, Miller noted has been a county road but was not added to the County road list until recently. Randolph’s wife noted a history of neglect.
David Lehnherr thanked the Commissioners for the elevated maintenance on Meeteetse this winter. Noted Priority 2 was extended to Crow Hill lane last year but is not reflected on the map. Miller noted he recognized the significant increase in traffic on Robertson Draw, but noted roads off Robertson Draw are not County Roads and have no maintenance obligation. Miller noted road is very rough on equipment; increasing the priority of the road will not result in significant improvements in the short term. The rehabilitation of the road will be a long process.
Kohley asked if there were parameters to determine a road’s priority; noting Robertson Draw is neither a School Bus or a mail route. Kohley asked if the County should develop parameters to determine the maintenance priority of roads; he anticipates continued requests for increased maintenance in rural areas of the County. Bullock is concerned that establishing criteria may hamstring the County’s road budget by mandating maintenance obligations. Bullock noted the challenges in maintaining roads at their current priorities. Discussion of BLM and USFS assistance with maintenance. Blain agreed that tying maintenance to tax revenues is not realistic and noted it is not the government’s responsibility to make sure people have access to services from where they chose to live. Blain noted the only difference in maintenance between Priority 2 and Priority 3 is the level of snow plowing. Discussion of limited access to gravel sources; Blain is concerned that expectations will be elevated if the priority is increased. Miller discussed the increased cost of equipment, and the significant priority 1 road miles (over 300 miles in each District), and echoed Bullock’s comments regarding priority 1 roads not getting the maintenance they should be because of other obligations. Miller noted although residents may pay $55,000 in taxes only about $1,600 of that goes into the road fund; this equates to about one day of an operator and the equipment. Miller is ok with elevating the Robertson Draw to Priority 2; he believes it is the level of service that has been provided this year. Blain moved to change Ukkala to Priority 3, portions of Robertson Draw to Priority 2, and Moser Dome Road be lowered from Priority 1 to Priority 2 as it is no longer a bus route; Bullock seconded; discussion of Bridger District maintenance obligation; Blain noted about 11% of taxes go to roads and bridges; motion carried.
10:00 Chad Beckman and Liz Franz from the Department of Revenue and Treasurer Lori Lynde met regarding tax assessments and the preparation of bi-annual assessment notices. Beckman noted the significant increase in appraised values and the desire to start communicating with the public early in the process. Discussed draft presentation, possible venues for community meetings, and the likely sticker shock folks will have when they receive their tax assessments. It was noted the assessments take last year’s levied mills and provide a tax estimate; in reality, the County’s mill authority is likely to be reduced significantly.

10:20 Contract Civil Deputy Attorney Jacque Papez met for County Attorney time. Blain moved to close the meeting to discuss litigation strategy for threatened litigation with Matriarch Construction; Bullock seconded; motion carried. 10:30 meeting reopened.

10:40 Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering, and FEMA Representatives Kati Villeme and Charles Bello met to discuss Cultural Resource Surveys for various FEMA projects. FEMA does not have the staffing capacity to perform the cultural resource surveys at this time. Can help with 106 Survey. Brent requested quotes from 4 archeologists and received one response from Hope Archeology for $16,400 to survey the three bridge replacement sites. Blain moved to accept the Quote from Hope Archeology; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer