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April 8, 2019

April 8, 2019
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Discussed issues with frost heaves in Roberts
Commissioner Blain noted folks from Mud Springs Wind Project will be back in the State this week. He will be touring the site with them before they head to Helena on Thursday to discuss sage grouse issues.
Aubrey Bertram from the Montana Wilderness Association met with Commissioners regarding the Forest Plan Revision. Aubrey discussed the Associations priorities for the revision including the preservation of some existing wilderness study areas and remove others to be seasonally managed for wildlife habitat. 9:15 Carbon County News reporter Eleanor Guerrero joined the meeting. The association is also proposing four (4) areas in the Pryor mountains as recommended wilderness; there are currently no trails in the area but the designation would close the areas to snowmobiles, ATVs, and other motorized vehicles. Commissioner Blain noted concerns about ADA access to wilderness with the motorized vehicle restrictions. Commissioner Bullock asked about grazing in areas recommended as wilderness; Aubrey noted grazing is compatible with wilderness designation noted does not prevent ranchers from using ATV to fulfill administrative functions under their grazing leases. 9:40 Mary Cameron and Diane Dimich joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock noted the importance of agriculture and tourism on Carbon County’s economy. Commissioner Blain echoed concerns with expanding wilderness designations because of limited access and potential economic impacts.
10:00 City of Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson, Community Development Director James Caniglia, Planner Neil Matthews-Pennanen, City council Members Mary Cameron and Diane Dimich, and Parks board representatives Anna Drew and Theresa Whistler met with Commissioners regarding the creation of a Parks and Recreation District. County Attorney Alex Nixon, Election Administrator Macque Bohleen, and Carbon County News reporter Eleanor Guerrero were also present. Neil noted the Parks Board would like to put a referendum on the ballot for this fall to create the district. With the timeline for the municipal election cycle, the resolution of intent to create the district would have to be passed in May. James noted they would prefer the issue to be on the ballot this fall to stager it with the resort tax reauthorization that will be on the ballot in 2020. Anna noted the petition route had been discussed with Commissioner Bullock.
Commissioner Bullock noted he has received overwhelming negative feedback from County residents in the proposed district (Red Lodge Elementary School District) and would prefer a citizen-initiated petition to demonstrate support. Commissioner Blain noted his concerns about county residents paying for City parks except for the pool. Commissioners also noted they have not yet received a formal request from the Red Lodge City Council to create a joint district. Alex asked if there had been any discussions about how the district may be administered; there has not, but members of the City assumed it would function similar to the cemetery district. There was a discussion regarding changes in park funding to comply with provisions of the resort tax ordinance.
11:20 Treasurer Lori Lynde met with the Commissioners regarding the request to have fees waived for use of Fair Grounds Building for the FFA banquet. Commissioners approved the waiver request.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve and advertise the part-time custodial position; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Red Lodge City Council Representative Dave Westwood met with Commissioners to discuss tomorrow’s council agenda.
12:00 Adjourned