April 8, 2021

April 8, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

All three Commissioners attended a meeting of the Carbon County Republican Women yesterday to present information on the proposed Detention Facility.

Detention Facility Citizen Advisory Committee member Jane Swanson-Webb joined the meeting during Public Comment period. She has scheduled public information meetings around the County regarding the proposed Detention Facility in preparation for the August bond election.

9:00 Compensation Board Public Hearing joined by Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, Treasurer Lori Lynde, and County Attorney Alex Nixon. The public members of the Compensation Board (Pam Crist, Gordy Hill, and Joe Johnson) met with one another via phone and provided the rest of the Board with a recommendation of a 3% increase in compensation for County employees for 2021-2022. Commissioner Blain questioned whether funds should be allocated for dependent health insurance, given the present unaffordability for a family; he expressed concern over recruiting talented personnel with families. 9:20 Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols joined the meeting. Stovall recommended accepting the 3% increase in compensation proposed by the public Board members; Commissioner Blain moved to accept the 3% compensation increase for County employees; Commissioner Miller seconded; no public comment; no further discussion; motion carried. Commissioner Blain moved to close the public hearing for the Compensation Board; Commissioner Miller seconded; no public comment; no further discussion; motion carried. Discussion over budget impact. Commissioner Blain moved to approve Resolution 2021-08 To Establish Salaries for Elected Officials for 2021-2022; Commissioner Miller seconded; Commissioner Bullock stated that the raise is fair given that the Unemployment Insurance pay raise has increased at a higher rate than that for County employees over the last several years; Commissioner Blain stated that for road crew County starting pay is not competitive for drawing and recruiting talent from other places; motion carried.

9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined for his weekly update. Mayor Larson reported on the City Attorney vacancy and progress regarding the pool remodel. Commissioner Bullock provided an update on Two-Mile Bridge channel mitigation. Discussion regarding West Fork Road and guard-rail damage at the bottom; Commissioner Bullock would like to take Red Lodge Mountain Resort Tax funds to reinforce the guard-rail.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Contract Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez joined the meeting to report on on-going litigation with Industrial Communications hoping to schedule mediation later this month; Commissioner Bullock will represent the Commission. Newell discussed the contract with Hulteng regarding Owner’s Representative services for the proposed Detention Facility; Papez recommended bracketing the percentage charged for services. 10:15 Commissioners Blain and Bullock departed the meeting; meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue; 10:30 meeting re-opened. Commissioner Blain reported speaking with Hulteng about the contract; the percentage will be bracketed 2-4%. Discussion regarding the recently passed State medical marijuana citizen initiative and impacts on the County; Nixon recommended waiting for the State legislature to provide guidance.

Newell discussed road crew starting wages reflecting the 3% pay raise approved by the Compensation Board this morning; she will coordinate with the Union.

Commissioner Blain reported on a conversation with Stillwater County Commissioner Tyrel Hamilton about possible re-negotiations for contracting beds in the proposed Detention Facility which would reduce the operating levy that would be required.

12:00 Adjourned.