August 13, 2015


          August 13, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb met with Commissioners to discuss the search for a Contract Superintendent of Schools. They also discussed the expectations of the Luther School for what the Superintendent of Schools is responsible for. There are some things that the office has done in the past that is not required by law.

Jane also discussed her concerns with repairs on the Administration building eaves north of her drive through. She would like to keep the drive through to provide sun protection for her office. Jane also alerted the Commissioners to issues with the roof in the Administration Building; water is getting into the building when we have heavy storms.

9:15 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners to discuss County business. They discussed West Fork Road Reconstruction Project delays being caused by Century Link; they have been reluctant to move their lines which are situated in the County right-of-way. They also discussed the appeal of the Silvertip Zoning District suit.

9:30 Road Superintendent Shawn Mains met with Commissioners to discuss road maintenance issues.

Commissioner Tucker moved to approve meeting minutes of July 23rd and 27th; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman met with Commissioners for the land auction on parcel described as T9S, R25E, S33: NE1/4SW1/4, NW1/4SE1/4. No one appeared for the auction. Commissioners requested that surrounding landowners be notified that no one appeared for the auction and to contact the Commissioners if they are interested in private sale.

Commissioners reviewed the budget to cut expenditures. Because of lack of funding the replacement of the Red Lodge Creek Bridge and the realignment of Farewell Road will be postponed until the next budget year.




Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant