August 18, 2016


August 18, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Deputy Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall met with Commissioners regarding lack of documentation for Brian Roat’s Workers Compensation and Liability Insurance for work performed at the Fairgrounds. Commissioners agreed to pay the invoice.

Christine also asked if the Commissioners would like to continue tracking repair and maintenance for each piece of road equipment.  Commissioners would like to track repair expenses and will make sure equipment numbers are listed on invoices.

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept the Justice Court Report for July 2016; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners met with Sanitarian Josh Juarez. Commissioners suggested that he may want to use John Prinkki’s Subaru to save on gas expenses as he is now using the pickup previously used by the Road Superintendent.

9:00 Civil Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez met with Commissioners.

Election Administrator Judy Christensen joined the meeting to discuss the Red Lodge Cemetery District referendum. The City of Red Lodge has not confirmed they will pay for the election. Judy noted it is too late to place the issue on the November ballot.

Jacque and Commissioners discussed the Bridger Road Foreman opening.

9:10 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting.

Commissioners believe they have the authority to appoint the Foreman position as the process is not specifically outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Alex noted Matriarch Construction would like to add a provision to the gravel crushing contract that requires the county to sign off on the crushing operation before they remove their equipment from the gravel pit. Commissioners agreed to the provision.

9:50 Commissioner Tucker moved to approve minutes for July 28th and August 1st; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Susan Hovde and Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with Commissioners to discuss Sheriff Dispatch options. Susan presented 3 options: 1) remodel bays in the existing firehouse where Dispatch and the Fire Department would share additional bathroom facilities; 2) extend the existing firehouse building; 3) construct a new structure on adjacent property that would house dispatch, bathroom facilities, and a shared conference room. Commissioners and Sheriff McQuillan believe there are benefits to having a separate building. Susan also discussed plans for a Sally-Port for the Sheriff’s office as an addition between the Courthouse and old jail. Susan also presented options to add an elevator to make the courtroom ADA accessible.

Commissioner Grewell moved to appoint Tom Kohley as the Local Emergency Planning Committee Chairperson for Carbon County for a two-year term; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant