August 20, 2020

August 20, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Gordon Sirrine (tele-conference) were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for August 4th and 6th, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Justice Court End of Period Disbursement Report for July 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Newell detailed hypothetical Fund Reserve Calculations for the coming fiscal year: 29% vs. 31%. Current reserves are at 29%. Commissioner Bullock stated he is comfortable with 29% with the anticipated COVID-19 CARES Act Reimbursements for the latter half of 2020 (approximately $400k). Newell stated that 29% balances the budget and if another $400k were to be reimbursed in 2021, it would increase reserves to 31%.

9:00 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Tom Kohley joined the meeting to discuss the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Reverted Funds Grant which was awarded for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) conference furniture/technology. Commissioner Bullock cautioned that the District Court intends to use the EOC for overflow seating for public for proceedings and therefore furnishings need to be considered with those uses in mind. Commissioner Blain recommended purchasing conference phone/screen/camera but holding off on furnishings. Commissioner Blain signed the award letter; Kohley will draft a budget amendment to the grant administrator removing furnishings.

9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Larson joined for his weekly update, but there was nothing new or significant to discuss.

9:40 Commissioner Bullock departed the meeting to speak at the Facebook Live Event in the Personal Services Building.

9:50 Red Lodge City Council President Dave Westwood joined the meeting via tele-conference. Discussion regarding interest for new hangar leases at the airport. 9:55 Westwood departed the meeting.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting for his weekly update. Discussion that there have been only seven formal complaints filed for violations of the COVID-19 directives.

10:30 Sirrine departed the meeting.

11:50 Lee and Connie Morris of Belfry joined the meeting to indicate they would like to see poll elections for the November election as opposed to mail-only ballots.

12:00 Adjourned.