August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Scott Miller were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Bullock provided an update on yesterday’s COVID-19 Incident Management Team Policy Group meeting; public information will be scaled down due to no new messaging needing to be communicated at this time.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for August 13th, 18th, and 20th of 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Newell noted the first half payment for the Computer-Aided Dispatch system was moved to FY20-21 by auditors; this will necessitate an increase in the Public Safety Fund budget to accommodate. Commissioners reviewed the preliminary budget; requested Beartooth Billings Clinic’s COVID Supplemental payments be moved from the general fund to the COVID Emergency Fund. Also discussed additional funding to purchase a new Red Lodge Commissioner vehicle. Newell noted the replacement of Dispatch Radio Consoles will cost approximately $160k; this project will be financed by 911 and Public Safety funds.

9:30 The City of Red Lodge did not attend their regular meeting.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined for his regular meeting. Discussion regarding the Buy-Sell Agreement with Norman and Geraldine Stevens for the property for the proposed Detention Facility; Town of Joliet won’t annex the property without an agreement stating that they won’t be responsible for water system upgrades; the Buy-Sell Agreement has a contingency that the property must be annexed into the Town in order to proceed. Discussion regarding the Beartooth Billings Clinic Public Health Services Agreement. Equipment purchased under the agreement shall remain the property of the County while utilized by the Contractor. Discussion regarding a manure complaint near Cooney. Commissioner Blain stated that manure was never intended to be part of, nor does it meet the definition for, “community decay” in Ordinance. Nixon will draft letter to complainant stating such.

10:30 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Beartooth Billings Clinic Public Health Services Agreement; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Beartooth Billings Clinic Supplemental Agreement for Public Health Emergency Services Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19); Commissioner Blain seconded; discussion about reimbursable expenses; motion carried.

11:00 Gary Levine of Spectrum Architects joined the meeting to present the Public Health Remodel bid review. Gordon Sirrine joined the meeting via tele-conference. The Invitation to Bid is at the printers and will be distributed shortly. Newell stated she’s working with State for pre-approval for COVID-19 CARES Act reimbursement; work would need to be done by end of the calendar year. The cost estimate is $107,900 including the 12% construction contingency for unforeseen changes. Commissioner Bullock stressed the contingency that if the expenses are not determined to be reimbursable under CARES Act, the project will not proceed. Discussion regarding the proposed Courthouse renovations; Newell detailed issues with the Elks building encroachment on County property. Cost of a survey for a formal encroachment would cost approximately $1,500.

11:30 Sirrine and Miller departed the meeting.

Discussion regarding the Preliminary FY20-21 Budget and County Health Officer Dr. Bill George’s stipend for COVID-19-related services. His services are reimbursable through CARES Act through the end of the calendar year; the budget will be adjusted so this additional stipend is being paid from the COVID Emergency Fund not the General Fund.

Newell detailed budget figures for Dispatch Radio Console upgrades; the expenditure may be moved out of Public Safety so it is included in the municipalities share of dispatch per their agreements. Approximately 30% of cost gets passed onto municipalities for infrastructure costs for systems.

12:25 Adjourned.