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August 4, 2022

August 4, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners discussed frustrations with DNRC and the regulatory hang-ups for clearing flood debris from the waterways. Commissioners are concerned the volume of debris has the potential to cause flooding again next year even with normal or low runoff.
8:50 Interim Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen met with Commissioners to discuss the plexiglass around counters in her office. Commissioners approved removal of the plexiglass.
9:15 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to discuss surplus property requests.
9:30 City of Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell met with Commissioners for her weekly meeting. Discussed summer party later this month, repairs to Highway 212 and 19th Street Bridge (DOT may address the whole thing at once), walking bridge for Island at Rock Creek and a possible joint letter from City and County requesting the bridge be removed, Kohley asked if the Island even had valid ownership of the structure it is unclear how they would have acquired the old Rail Road Right-of-Way. Discussed this evening’s meeting regarding property buyouts Bullock expressed concerns that the discussion may create false hope for property owners.
10:00 Contracted Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez met with Commissioners for County Attorney time. Discussed gravel pit leases, reporting of mining activity done by the landholder; concerns about reclamation and limiting County gravel availability for landowners who are also mining at the pit. Papez recommended drafting two agreements; one for those permits where the County is the only operator and another that is more complex for those landowners that are also mining under the County’s permit.
10:30 Public Health Director Erin Cross met for her monthly update. Cross reviewed her written report (attached). Cross requested to adjust staff schedules to 7-5 with no lunch break; Cross requested her and Katy Day be 9-5 M-F with no lunch. Cross confirmed other staff will have off set schedules for 5-day a week coverage; Commissioners approved. Discussed grant allowing FTE School Nurse to be split between two part-time positions.

11:30 Discussion with Forest Service regarding East Rosebud Road District Ranger Ken Coffin and Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering were present. Discussion about County portion of East Rosebud Road from HWY 78 to the Forest Boundary. Discussion regarding joint FLAP application because of volume of recreation. Moore discussed easement issues with not having uniform easements for the whole length of the road. Discussion regarding applying for a Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) grant; Moore noted funding cycle has passed and it would be probably 5 years before construction could begin under the FLAP program. Coffin noted contract for emergency repairs would not be awarded until later in the fall, which would preclude any work happening this construction season. Coffin’s hope is that temporary access work can move into a more permanent project, but he is unsure of funding availability and timeline. Bullock emphasized that for long term maintenance of the road, the County needs a uniform easement for the entire length of the road.

Discussion about East Side Road and the area where the creek is cutting toward the highway south of the South East Side Road Bridge. Discussion about road corridor that was originally included in the FLAP grant application; Moore noted the need for drainage improvements to protect the road.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Airport Board meeting. Bullock, Miller, Harem, Smith, Wise, Ewald, Olson, Nardinger present. Smith moved to approve minutes for the June 9th Airport Board Meeting (attached); Harem seconded; motion carried.

1:50 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer