NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

August 8, 2023

August 8, 2023
Commissioners Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
8:50 Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with Commissioners to inform them the Rock Creek Tower site was struck by lightning last night. Communications from the Tower are still down. Bullock reported the damage to insurance.
9:00 Commissioners discussed ARPA Grant budgets. Newell presented an overview of projects with remaining allocations including senior centers. Commissioners approved providing an allocation for each senior center to meet the match for a $10,000 commodities grants.
9:30 Red Lodge City Council members Jody Ronning and Jennifer Battles met with Commissioners to discuss issues related to the Red Lodge Airport. Ronning noted discussion of Airport map that accompanied Ord 706; which had never been seen by Public Works and has been referred to the City Attorney. Ronning noted the discussion at the City’s Airport committee meeting regarding keeping the emergency helicopter landing area as part of the airport. Discussed what land could be removed from the current airport boundary; Bullock noted the boundary discussed by the committee mostly matches the existing fence line except the west boundary would be rodeo road. Discussion about FAA requirements for the boundary and the required distance that the boundary be from the runway; Commissioners will ask the airport consultant what the minimum is. Bullock noted that the fence was put in place as a barrier to keep animals off the runway not as a boundary. Battles noted the discussion with staff included boundaries, who would be on the Airport Board, and what authority the board has. Battles believes the boundary is probably the easiest issue to solve. The City would like assurances that the emergency landing area continues to be used as such and that the board not allow for any development in that area. Battles noted that City staff expressed concerns that the Board does not communicate with the City and believe the Board should only be advisory. Bullock stated than an advisory board seems redundant and noted that historically the City had a Council member serve as a board liaison or had regular reports from their appointees. There was a discussion at the City committee meeting about the board only serving as the hanger and emergency area leasing authority, where all other items would have to be approved by the City. Bullock noted the FAA Master Plan, includes an airport layout plan; for that plan to be altered would require FAA approval with concurrence of both the City and County. Battles reiterated that the City would like control over how the airport area is used.

Discussion of Airport Board representatives; the City of Red Lodge would like to revert to the 2010 Agreement language that does not specify that the County’s representatives are the Commissioners; also discussed increasing to a 9-member board. Bullock noted the County has a significantly greater financial input for the Joint Airport Board fund and that contribution warrants greater representation. Discussion about full Commission sitting on Board giving County larger weight in decision making. Bullock noted City could contemplate an increase in its financial contribution. Battles believe the biggest point of contention is what authority the Board has. Discussion of how to manage a property where management is split. Discussion of FAA Master Planning Process. Discussed specifying language about authority over leasing within the identified boundary and development of airport areas. Discussion of excluding the area between the fence and rodeo road from parking. Discussed contingency in Resolution to stay the dissolution of assets. Battles believes the goal of City Council is to provide an extension. The county is generally agreeable to delay termination and accept the Resolution but would like confirmation that the condition of providing information for all assets has been met.
10:30 Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury and Public Health Director Erin Cross met to discuss the Job Description and Hiring Authorizations for the Care Coordinator and Crisis Coalition Coordinator. Blain moved to approve job descriptions; Bullock seconded; discussion about the Mental Health Center’s involvement; motion carried.
Asbury and Commissioners discussed the lack of response for nursing positions; may need to look at other options for filling rolls with temp or per-diem.
Bullock moved to approve hiring authorization for the upcoming Road Department retirement; Blain seconded; discussion of internal posting requirement by the Union agreement; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Commissioners proceedings for July 10; Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:30 Commissioners discussed Interlocal Agreement for the reimbursement of BlackMountain Tax Increment District Software with the City of Red Lodge, the purchase request was signed last week. Bullock moved to postpone signing until August 15th at 10:30 when the full commission is present; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Claims for July 2023 as submitted; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Bullock moved to approve the letter of support for the Montana Department of Transportation PROTECT Grant Application, which includes the Willow Creek Road Bridge; Blain seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer