December 1, 2016


         December 1, 2016

         Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Justice Court End of Period Disbursements report for October 2016; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Treasurer Cash Report for November 2016; Commissioner Grewell; motion carried.

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Commissioners Proceedings from November 14th and 17th; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners to discuss New and Expanding Industry Assessment Applications for the Wind Farm; resolution language has been finalized and includes provisions to evaluate the projects’ return on investment. Alex presented the Commissioners with a copy of a letter to Contract Criminal Deputy Attorney Scott Pederson notifying him that the County plans to terminate or renegotiate his contract. Alex also discussed the anticipated increased office work related to the passage of Marcy’s Law.

9:15 Kristin Zentner, Jim Goltz, and Bill Philips with Bridger School joined meeting. They discussed the New and Expanding Industry applications for the wind farm and how the tax abatement would impact County tax revenues.

9:30 Commissioners continued Public Hearing for new and Expanding Industry Applications for: Everpower Wind Holdings LLC; Pryor Caves Wind Project LLC: Mud Springs Wind Project LLC; Horse Thief Wind Project LLC; and Bowler Flats Energy Hub LLC. DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley was also present. Commissioners noted they want to make the project work, but want to make sure the County and School District share in the profits. Commissioner Tucker noted the impact fee was significantly reduced from what could have been imposed by statute. Bridger school representatives noted they have significant facility needs and appreciate any additional tax revenues that come from the wind projects. Commissioner Prinkki entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-23 New or Expanding Industry Assessment Mud Springs Wind Project LLC Located approximately 10 miles east of Bridger, Montana,  T8S, R25E; Resolution 2016-24 New or Expanding Industry Assessment Pryor Cave Wind Project LLC Located approximately 10 miles east of Bridger, Montana, T7S, R24E and T7S, R25E; Resolution 2016-25 New or Expanding Industry Assessment Horse Thief Wind Project LLC Located approximately 10 miles east of Bridger, Montana, T8S, R25E and T9S, R25E; and Resolution 2016-26 New or Expanding Industry Assessment Bowler Flats Energy Hub LLC Located approximately 10 miles east of Bridger, Montana, T8S, R25E and T9S, R25E. Commissioner Grewell moved to adopt resolutions; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Commissioners approved a request from Sheriff Josh McQuillan to transfer $22,000 from line item 111 to line item 112. The transfer is being made to account for Bob Reed’s salary that was budgeted in the wrong line item.

10:30 Warene Wall met with Commissioners for her annual update from the Red Lodge Planning Board. This year the Planning Board updated the Zoning Regulations to incorporate the recently updated Growth Policy. As part of that update, the Board has addressed the issue of horses within the City limits and maintaining Don Coutts horses. The City expects to grandfather in five or six existing locations that have historically housed horses. Within the Zoning Regulations they have proposed parameters regarding minimum lot size and requiring a management plan for any properties that would like to have horses. The Planning Board has also worked with citizen groups regarding incorporating an Alternative Transportation Plan into City documents. The Steering Committee solicited input from roughly 300 individuals for the first draft presented to the Planning Board. After a number of suggested changes the Board has recommended the Alternative Transpiration Plan be approved as reference document rather than an amendment to Growth Policy. The Board will be addressing wind energy going forward; prompted by Red Lodge High School Green Team’s grant application for a wind turbine at school.

Warene also discussed the Elks Drug Awareness Program in cooperation with local law enforcement and continued assistance to veterans through the Yellow Ribbon Community.

11:00 Safety Committee Meeting. Pam Schwend, Rick Martin, Nikki Bailey, Tom Kohley, Lola Ashby, Judy Prinkki, Shannon Crary, and Josh Juarez were present. Commissioner Prinkki moved to approve September minutes as read; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

11:50 Commissioners discussed the conveyor used by the Red Lodge Road Shop and if there were plans to purchase it. There are repairs that need to be done.

Commissioners discussed the road gravel budget. Commissioner Grewell moved to transfer $90,000 from the asphalt line item to gravel; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Prinkki sent a letter to the City of Red Lodge petitioning de-annexation of the Carbon County Fair Grounds.


12:00 Adjourned




Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant