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December 1, 2020

December 1, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Commissioner-elect Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Discussion regarding COVID-19 CARES Act funding and changes at the State-level in eligible expenses to be reimbursed for November and December; the re-model of the Public Health space in the Personal Services Building will not be affected since it was pre-approved. Newell detailed her discussion with State Disaster and Emergency Services regarding FEMA reimbursement for COVID-19. The mandatory 2 mill levy for the COVID-19 disaster was waived by Governor Bullock; typically, this levy goes to the 25% local match for FEMA funding. It is unclear whether the State will continue to pay the 25% local match when CARES Act funding lapses at the end of December.

9:00 Contract Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez joined the meeting. Discussion regarding the Interlocal Agreement drafted by the Town of Joliet for Annexation of the proposed Detention Facility property; Commissioners want to ensure that the County will fund only the infrastructure costs necessary for the construction of the facility and nothing further.

Discussion continued with Papez regarding suspending in-person trainings attended by County personnel in light of COVID-19 and essential services; Newell will draft an employee policy. Discussion regarding tele-work; Commissioners stated tele-work shall only be approved when an employee is under quarantine as per Federal policy definitions; Newell will draft an employee policy.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Treasurer Cash Report for November 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Discussion regarding the proposed Detention Facility and pros/cons of building a 100-bed facility (and leasing out space to neighboring Counties so that asking voters to approve an operating levy wouldn’t be required) vs. a 50-bed facility (and asking the citizens to vote to approve a separate operating levy).

10:30 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen (tele-conference) and Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting for their monthly updates. Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero joined the meeting. An application was submitted to the Plains First Responder Grant Program requesting $9.6k to purchase of a radio/duplexer/antenna for the Warren area repeater. They have met with Morgan Contractors regarding excavation work to be done at the Rock Creek repeater site. Kohley has completed retracement of school boundaries for 12 of the 26 original 1956 Districts and also 10 annexations/abandonments/transfers from original legal descriptions; a plan is in place to scan legal descriptions of all school district transactions into DocuPro to better document changes in District boundaries over time. He has reviewed historical documentation that established Fire and Cemetery Districts and is developing a plan to update and validate these Districts.

12:00 Adjourned.