December 13, 2018

December 13, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Bill Bullock, Scott Blain, Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman and Clerk and Recorder-Elect Christine Stovall were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
9:00 The following board appointments were approved:
Rockvale Cemetery Dist. 1, three-year term – Robert Williams
Joliet Cemetery Dist. 3, three-year term – Allen Eik
Belfry Cemetery Dist. 4, three-year term – Ronald Gary
Roscoe Cemetery Dist. 5, three-year term – Tom George
Roberts Cemetery Dist. 6, three-year term – Tyler Allen, Elta Eyre
Red Lodge Cemetery Dist. 8, three-year term – Leon Baranko
Carbon County Compensation, Red Lodge District, three-year term – Joe Johnson
Fair Board:
4H Representative, three-year term – Crissy Frank
FFA Representative, three-year term – Ole Olson
Fire Districts:
Bridger Fire #2, three-year term – Bob Zentner
Fromberg Fire #3, three-year term – Randy Bauwens
Edgar Fire #4, three-year term – Tim Wetstein, Brenda Wetstein,
Mark Jagodzinski
Historic Preservation Commission
Bearcreek, two-year term – Liz Westhaeffer
Planning Board:
Bridger District, two-year term – Gordon Sirrine
Joliet District, two-year term – Gordy Hill
At Large, two-year term – Lance Frank
Weed Board:
Bridger District, three-year term – Mark Giesick
Joliet District, three-year term – Kevin Krook
9:20 GIS/DES Coordinator Tom Kohley presented a purchase order request for a mobile radio (replacing his radio which has been loaned to him by Red Lodge Fire); this purchase qualifies for reimbursement by the Homeland Security grant. Tom also presented a request to join in with Red Lodge Area Community Foundation for a grant to set up the ability to accept online donations in case of an emergency. Commissioner Bullock has concerns regarding the appropriateness of the county joining in with a non-profit foundation for distribution of emergency funds and would like Tom to check with a financial institution for what their requirements are for such an account and who the entities should be. There may be other entities willing to volunteer and would like Tom to explore other options.
9:30 Riverstone Health and Carbon County WIC Agreement: Commissioner Blain moved to accept the agreement for 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
9:45 Commissioner Blain moved to accept the November 2018 reports for Justice Court, Treasurer, Clerk and Recorder and District Court; Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
9:50 Lori Kane met with commissioners to discuss what will happen if the county is unable to hire a sanitarian right away; the commissioners will reach out to Interstate Engineering (contract engineers), CTA (contract planner) and Riverstone Health for possible contractual sanitarian work. Commissioners advised Lori to continue with her duties for the office.
10:00 Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley and Contract Civil Attorney Jacque Papez met with commissioners. Jacque updated the group on new regulations for current open-cut permits and recommended that the county’s permits be amended and finalized. DEQ is also looking at reappraising the land from ag to commercial. An update on Burgan case was given. They discussed the Sally port remodel issues but Shannon needs further information about modifications or plan changes from Gary Levine of Spectrum Group who assessed the work after completion. She will update the commissioners after hearing from Levine. They also gave an update on the Industrial Communications System’s case.
10:30 Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with the commissioners for the Montana Jail Standards Review; Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the current standards; Commissioner Blain seconded the motion; motion carried. The group also discussed current county issues regarding housing and transporting prisoners. Sheriff McQuillan offered to set up a visitation of the Two Rivers facility in Hardin.
10:40 Commissioner Blain moved to accept the minutes for November 29, 2018 and December 10, 2018; Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
11:00 Forrest Mandeville, contract planner, and Kate Stout with Red Lodge Surveying met with commissioners for the Clearview Subsequent Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat review. Forrest recommended approval with conditions; no health and safety concerns, adequate access, limited affect on agricultural use, minimal impact on local services. The previous subdivision had no prior accommodation for water supply for fire suppression; Forrest discussed options for available water; the planning board recommendation is to identify a water source acceptable to the Red Lodge Fire district. There are knapweed concerns; remediation plan must be approved by Weed District as a condition. Current covenants will apply to two of the new lots; there is a discrepancy in size of lots but Forrest presented that as informational only.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Planning Board findings with conditions, striking out #9 (duplicate of #4); Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion. Discussion was held regarding limiting access to city water hydrants in the vicinity as a “poor neighbor” attitude. After discussion, motion carried.
Forrest also updated the commissioners on how CTA will assist with covering subdivision and survey review during the legislative session.
11:30 Commissioner Blain moved to refresh the agreement with Connect for telephone services; Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
12:00 Lunch

Respectfully submitted: Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder