NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

December 27, 2018

December 27, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Dpty Clerk & Recorder Christine Stovall were present.
8:45 Pledge of Allegiance.
Lori Kane, Sanitarian Assistant, came in to visit with the commissioners in regards to the current sanitarian position and how to go forward with in-progress projects. She noted Josh Juarez is doing some inspections today. It was mentioned the contract for Engineering West Sanitarian Services is on the agenda for December 31st, 2018.
Lori Lynde, Treasurer visited with commissioners in regards to an interlocal agreement with Montana Dept Justice, Motor Vehicle Division. MACo has reviewed it and Alex was sent it to review.
A letter of support was signed by commissioners to the Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks, Recreation Trail Program, Parks Division for Trails Program RTP Grant.
Change order No 2 from Spectrum Group Architects for concrete floor testing for the Bridger Shop Floor and Bathroom remodel was signed and copies returned.
9:30 LaRowe Boundary Adjustments-Roberts Lagoon. Marco LaRowe and Kate Stout, with Red Lodge Surveying attended the meeting with the commissioners. There was notice on the survey that the southeast corner of Tract 1 goes into the ROW of Carbon Avenue. Discussion was that Carbon County owns Tract 1 and has the easement on Carbon Avenue which is through LaRowe unplated property. They do not believe it would be a problem. Deeds for transfer of relocation parcels are with Attorney Jacque Papez and will be available for the commissioners to sign in the future before the survey is recorded with the Clerk and Recorder. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the survey to relocate common boundaries between lands described in Book 80, Page 739 and unplated lands in the NE4NW4 of section 32, T5S, R21E Carbon County, MT, Commissioner Blain seconded. Commissioner Bullock asked for further discussion, none. Motion carried. Commissioners signed survey.
10:00 County Attorney. Postponed, not available due to travel and illness. County Attorney Alex Nixon would be available around 11:00 AM by phone if there were any questions.
10: 15 Commissioner Blain discussed the sanitarian position posting and asked if help wanted notices were in the papers? He found it on the MACo website, and our

December 27, 2018 (Cont)
county website. It is on some websites through the Billings Gazette and They believe they will send out additional posting in the newspaper after the new year.
10:30 Commissioner Blain moved to approve the commissioner minutes of December 24, 2018; Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Christine L Stovall, Dpty Clerk & Recorder