December 27, 2022

December 27, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment Chris Benton, Kathy Benton, and Theresa Whistler. Whistler on behalf of the Red Lodge Dark Skies committee requested changes to County Subdivision and/or Zoning Regulations to protect astral tourism. Kathy requested conditions be implemented to require Home Owner Association Covenants align with dark skies language. Chris asked that County cooperate with the City’s zoning objectives in regard to light pollution that has encroached on their property over the last several years. Discussion about role of Commissioners and Planning Board. Discussion about construction of observatory south of the Airport Runway. Rhett with dark skies asked for considerations for dark skies lighting to reduce light pollution. Mark Moak reiterated that “Big Sky Country” should consider night time “big skies.” Invited Commissioners to night skies photography show at the Arts Guild – January 7th Open House.
Miller moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for November 29 and December 1, 2022; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Board appointments. Miller moved and Bullock seconded to appoint Board members as follows:
• Compensation Board District #2 – Gordy Hill, 3-yr term, exp. 12/31/2025
• Conservation District Area 2 Roberts – Monica Plecker, 4-yr term, exp. 12/31/2026
• Conservation District Area 5 Bridger – James Hoskin, 4-yr term, exp. 12/31/2026
• Fire District #2 Bridger (3 positions) – John Jordan (remainder of 3-yr term, exp. 5/31/2023), Cole Mettes (reminder 3-yr term, exp. 5/31/2023), Krystal Zentner (remainder 3-yr term, exp. 5/31/2025)
• Fire District #3 Fromberg – Everett Edwards, remainder of 3-year term, exp. 5/31/2025
• Fire District #4 Edgar – Brenda Wetsteinb (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2024), Mark Jagodzinski (remainder of term, exp 5/31/2024), Dave Wetstein (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2025), and Tim Wetstein (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2025).
• Fire District #5 Roscoe – Dean Treptow (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2025)
• Fire District #8 Whitehorse – Kyle Hoferer (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2025), Kevin Wilkerson (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2025), James Spitzer (remainder of term, exp. 5/31/2024)
Motion carried.

9:30 7D Subdivision. Forrest Mandeville, Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen, Ray Kuntz, Chris Benton, Kathy Benton, Mark Moak, Rhett Moak, Theresa Whistler, Kyle Draper, Nathan Draper, and Kate Stout of Red Lodge Surveying were present. Mandeville reviewed the Planning Board’s recommendation to the Commissioners. Blain, having reviewed and considered the application materials, project memorandum, public comments and all of the information presented, moved to recommend approval of the 7D Subdivision and variance from fire protection design standards, with the findings and conditions included in the project memorandum; Miller seconded. Discussion: Bullock noted he believes control of lighting would be more appropriately addressed through Zoning Regulations and the Development Permit Process; Mandeville noted Zoning Regulations do provide provisions to place conditions associated with lighting although neither the Subdivision nor Zoning Regulations have information specific to downward facing lighting at this time. Miller clarified that comments are not in relation to the development itself, but the potential lighting impacts and clarified that upon development of the subdivision through the Group 2 Development properties within 100 feet will be notified. Bullock noted Drapers’ historic efforts to promote development in the area. Public Comment – Whistler requested again on behalf of dark skies to impose a condition of approval that considers lighting whether or not there are enforceable but as a guideline. Chris Bennett noted obtrusive lighting at current commercial property. Kyle Draper noted they can work with neighborhood on lighting concerns. Public comments regarding desire for universal guidance; process to amend development regulations, process to appeal Development Permit. Motion carried.

10:10 Public departed. Mandeville and Bohleen remained to discuss the Albin Subdivision Preliminary Plat. Kate Stout of Red Lodge Surveying and Cory Albin were in attendance. Mandeville reviewed his staff report. Miller Having reviewed and considered the application materials, project memorandum, public comments, Planning Board recommendation, and all of the information presented, moved to approve of the Albin Subdivision with the findings and conditions included in the project memorandum; Blain seconded; discussion about ditch easements and under what jurisdiction Sanitary review would fall (all lots are over 20 acres excluding road easements and would fall to the County). Discussion about covenants preventing subsequent subdivisions. Blain noted he hates to see more agricultural land divided up. Motion carried.

10:30 Lori Lynde met regarding establishing a separate bank account for Public Health medical services accounts receivable. Newell and Lynde recounted their discussion regarding establishing the account to better track payments especially those coming in ACH. Blain moved to approve establishing the Public Health Revolving Fund account with Bank of Bridger; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

11:00 No gravel crushing bids were received.

11:30 Bonnie Ramage and Gerrick Phillips from Rebel River Creative met to present a proposal for the redesign of the County’s website and services to create a County Seal or “brand”. Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley was in attendance. Phillips provided history of website hosting Rummage provided presentation.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer