NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

December 3, 2019

December 3, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioners received a formal Detention Facility land proposal for the 3.5 acre site near the airport.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Treasurer Cash Report for November 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for November 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Sanitarian Cortney Lynde met with Commissioners for her monthly meeting. Cortney noted she is nearing the end of the licensed establishment inspections. All remaining facilities are in Red Lodge with the exception of Cooney and the Edgar Bar. She plans to have a training for installers and site evaluators which would be required for the septic installer license. Cortney has received another complaint regarding the Tomahawk restaurant in Fromberg; the complaint alleges there are rodents in the kitchen. Cortney will reach out to DEQ for some enforcement assistance. Cortney also noted there is a junk pile in Luther; Commissioners suggested involving the Sheriff’s Office as they are in charge of enforcing the Garbage Ordinance.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for November 7 and 12; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
9:30 DES Coord. / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met with Commissioners for his monthly update (attached). Discussed funding priorities for 911 grant; tom would like a meeting to prioritize. Discussion with Big Horn regarding comprehensive mutual aid agreement; their DES will meet with attorney to start process this week. Tom noted the biggest issue is that Montana is not part of a national mutual aid cooperative that complicates their ability to provide medical transport. Meeting with First Responders and Mortonson regarding Pryor Mountain Wind Farm safety concerns. Will be putting stop lights on Railbed road; still waiting for turbine part delivery routes to be finalized. Discussion regarding building safety enhancements: disaster plan – needs to updated; needs to outline inspection duties; and who is responsible for stocking first aid kits. Discussion regarding radio coverage in Roscoe and up East Rosebud. Would like to stay in conversations. Tom noted Codan is waiting on finalization of Bridger Tower to evaluate how best to fill in gaps.

10:00 Forrest Service District Ranger Ken Coffin met with Commissioners for an update. Ken discussed the Forrest Plan revision process and recommendations. He noted they have received support regarding the recommended wilderness areas in the Pryor Mountains; these areas in the draft plan would not affect any current motorized traffic access to the Pryor Mountains. Ken also discussed recommended recreation emphasis areas that are proposed for the West Fork and Main Fork of Rock Creek. There are some concerns about this emphasis not being compatible with municipal watersheds. 10:10 Brent Moore joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock discussed the County’s desire to apply for Federal Land Access Program (FLAP) grants as a possible funding source to replace the East Side Road bridges and make improvements to East Side Road. Ken noted the Forrest Service is also concerned about pavement preservation and access up East Rosebud Road. Brent asked if Ken had an idea of the scope of the needed pavement preservation on East Rosebud Road or a cost estimate; Brent noted FLAP is better suited for projects costing more than $5,000,000. Brent noted they are looking toward the 2022 construction season for replacing the bridges; they have been flagged as failing by the Montana Department of Transportation Bridge inspector. Ken and Commissioners will touch base after the holidays to evaluate priorities for FLAP application.
Ken and Commissioners discussed fuels mitigation and timber harvesting. Ken noted a large project was halted in 2016 by a lawsuit; they are trying to get that project going again. Ken also noted the District will focus on enforcing camping limits especially on unoccupied campers. There will also be some fee increases for campsites managed by the Forest; Palisades and MK will remain no fee sites. Ken noted over 65,000 people accessed the wilderness on 4 trailheads last summer (Lake Fork, West Fork, East Rosebud, West Rosebud). He noted human waste is becoming an issue on Granite Peak and Beaten Path routes.
11:00 Montana Department of Transportation representatives William Felton and Ted Thronson, Kirk Spalding from Sanderson Stewart, and Glenn Oppel from Strategies 360 met with Commissioners to discuss the Hwy 212 project through Roberts; they will be ahead of their meeting with the community this afternoon. Red Lodge Community Development Director James Caniglia was also present. Glenn and Kirk reviewed the history of the project which was part of a larger study of the Highway 212 corridor. A historic and environmental study on the Roberts portion of the Red Lodge North project was started in 2002. There was a discussion about the project design to accommodate flooding. In the design phase the addition of a sidewalk was contemplated, but because of flooding concerns and no commitment for future maintenance on the sidewalk it was not incorporated into the final design. A curb and gutter system was contemplated, but the open ditch system was incorporated into the final design to address variable water flows.

It was also determined a curb and gutter system would act as a funnel to channel all water onto the highway. The final design also incorporates a diversion to try to funnel flood waters into a box culvert. There was a discussion regarding turning lanes. Kirk noted the general sentiment in early public meetings was against turn lanes but there is crash data to show the necessity of a turn lane.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer