December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock were present.
The December 5th meeting was canceled due to there not being a quorum.
Blain moved to approve Claims for November 2023; Bullock seconded; Blain authorized use of his stamp; motion carried.
11:00 Forrest Mandeville, Therese Whistler, Julie Holzer, Tom Tshida, Andrew Amrein, Alistair Baker, Denise Rivette, and Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen were in attendance for the Development Regulations Update.
Bullock moved to open a public hearing on the update of the Carbon County Development Regulations; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Mandeville reviewed updates (memo attached) added definitions, and revision of Group 2 approval process, 11:05 Commissioner Scott Miller joined the meeting. Mandeville continued his review and discussed changes to the Marijuana Business Regulations from what was adopted in interim zoning. Changes include alterations to sign distance requirements and removing the requirement for septic and/or sewer facilities; the Planning Board did recommend keeping the requirement for a permanent foundation. Discussion of the definition of a permanent foundation; Commissioners were satisfied with the definition. Discussion of change in procedure for Group 2 uses which include composting facilities and medical facilities; the approval process which will require meeting with the Planning Board rather than only an administration review from the Planning Director. Commissioners thanked the Planning Board for their efforts. efforts. Bullock opened the meeting to public comments.
Tom Tshida asked about the schedule related to revising the Regulations; Mandeville noted there is not a regular schedule that the Planning Board follows, the Regulations are revised when needed. The Regulations were opened to incorporate Marijuana Business Interim Zoning. Tshida asked about the changes in the review process for Group 2 Permits; he would like to see an effort to provide more notice and is concerned that only notifying adjoining property owners and the limited comment timeline is too short and should require other modes of communication.
Holzer expressed concerns about conflicts with the County Growth Policy. Mandeville noted changes do not apply to conditional uses such as oil development; the only change is for Group 2 Permits. The comment period still requires mailing to property owners within 100 ft. Group 2 is not industrial use and there were no changes to the comment provisions for industrial uses under the conditional use permit.
Rivette noted interest in a 30-day comment period has been expressed.
Whistler thanked Mandeville and Planning for the inclusion of lighting limitations but would like the addition of more restrictive lighting requirements. Whistler would like Regulations to follow Dark Skies lighting principles that would require lighting timers and warm lighting. Whistler does not believe this is an undue burden.
Commissioners discussed the timeline for adoption. Mandeville noted the Commission can make changes after the Public Hearing, and then adopt a resolution of intent to adopt the Regulations which would start a 30-day protest period.
Whistler would like to expand the notification requirements beyond the current 100 ft radius.
Commissioners will discuss possible changes on January 9th at 1:00.
11:36 Blain moved to close the Public Hearing; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed purchase requests.
12:00 Adjourned.