December 9, 2021


December 9, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Mental Health Counselor John Monroe met with Commissioners to discuss the County Tribal Matching Grant. Without being in the Red Lodge office full time, he does not have the availability to dedicate to required time to the Crisis Coordinator position. Discussion about possible contractors.

David Lehnerherr joined meeting.

9:00 Sanitarian in Training Barbara Krizek and Temporary Sanitarian Scott Vandell met for the department’s monthly update. Krizek reviewed complaints: DEQ closed issue regarding fence constructed out of tires in Bridger District; dead cow in Bridger District at Sunlight Ranch, she has not heard anything further; onsite waste water discharges out of RVs, letter served by Sheriff and Krizek expects it to go to enforcement. Krizek is reviewing Walcott permits to determine what was and wasn’t permitted. Discussion regarding the creation of a complaint form and process for enforcement actions. Vandell reviewed licensed establishment inspections. Still waiting regarding award of the inspection standardization grant. Krizek has made efforts to spend more time training. Discussion regarding vehicle replacement; Commissioners believe Subaru is worth keeping for the motor vehicle pool.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for regular meeting. Discussed draft interlocal agreement with City of Red Lodge for Human Resource Services. Discussed form letter for development violation notices.

Blain moved to approve Commissioner proceedings for November 18 and 23; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

10:30 Nixon and Bullock left meeting for a conference call with Krizek and Curry.

11:00 Safety Committee meeting. DES Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Victim Witness Advocate Tessa Brangers, Safety Coordinator Pam Schwend, Treasurer Lori Lynde, Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby, GIS Manager / Fire Warden Tom Kohley, and Janitor Assistant Mike Schilz were present. September 14, 2021 Safety Committee minutes were approved (attached).

11:16 Bullock rejoined the meeting.

12:00 Adjourned.


___________________________ __________________________________
Clerk Commission Presiding Officer

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer