February 16, 2023

February 16, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:50 Pledge of Allegiance.
Discussed debris removal meeting last night regarding woody debris; Blain noted he emphasized the need to continue to seek solutions on the rock debris.
Blain discussed Fromberg City Council Meeting; noted he is committed to have his Road Crew to help with flood repairs if the Mayor follows through on the permitting.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell, City Council members Terri Durbin and Jodi Ronning, and Public Works Director Jim Bushnell met for the City’s regular meeting. Continued discussion on last evening’s debris meeting; plans for debris removal and need for City Floodplain Admin involvement. Cogswell asked about Rodeo lease for land north of Rodeo Grounds; asked why necessity for lease? Cogswell questioned if land was under authority of Airport Board. Miller noted the property in discussion is within Tract 1 of COS 1811 which the Airport Board considers to be within the airport area. Cogswell noted her position is that it is not a valid lease; Bushnell stated land is a dedicated park and was established that way to protect events. Cogswell believes it is a legal issue; Miller stated the Joint Agreement states Airport board authority includes leases for “incidental purposes.” Mayor and Bushnell departed. Discussed lease and joint agreement with Durbin and Ronning. Miller reviewed maps from the 1975 and 1980 agreements that have been sent to the Mayor. Discussion about potential for economic impacts, Rodeo’s intention to rebuild and maintain runway protection fence with a long-term lease. Ronning confirmed that the issue / proposal has not been presented to Council.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular meeting. Discussed Matriarch letter on gravel crushing contract. Discussed conversations with City regarding Airport property boundary and discussion of lease with Rodeo Association.
11:00 Extension Agents Carrie Krug and Kylie Butterfield met with Commissioners for introductions. Discussed Family and Consumer Sciences programs including: pressure canner testing; nutrition guidance; parenting classes; electric pressure cooker classes; Dining with Diabetes classes; and school nutrition presentations. Discussion about Extension vehicle for travel out of County; Commissioners approved use of vehicle for County business and trainings out of County.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer