February 18, 2020
February 18, 2020
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; Angela Newell, Administrative Officer; and Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
9:05 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall joined the meeting to inform the Commissioners about a retracement survey. She has conferred with Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez for legal guidance.
9:00 Fuel Tax Map Review. Re-agendaed for March 3.
10:30 Commissioner Blain relayed last night’s Fair Board meeting. Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary requested use of the Fair Grounds in case of emergency. Fair Board would like to hire a grounds caretaker.
10:35 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve a variance request allowing retiring Lynn Schwend to donate 40 sick leave hours to Callie Allen; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
10:50 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Employee Time; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Detention Facility Discussion. Carbon County News reporter Eleanor Guerrero, Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Stan Floyd joined the meeting. Sheriff McQuillan would like to amend the architect’s preliminary designs to ensure office, briefing, meeting, and wellness spaces are large enough. Commissioner Bullock stressed balancing needs and wants vs. costs. Commissioners will ask Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez to draft a Buy-Sell to present to the Stevenses for their property. Commissioner Blain will ask Interstate Engineering to get a more refined breakdown of cost to connect to Joliet’s water-sewer. Floyd spoke to Economy of Scale and the benefits of building a facility bigger than what is needed and using the income from leased beds from surrounding counties to contribute to facility Operating and Maintenance costs. Guerrero asked about the recent escape from the Big Horn County Jail; Commissioners explained that technology/security measures present in newer facilities make escapes extremely unlikely. This week, Commissioner Blain submitted a Letter to the Editor to be published in the Carbon County News.
12:10 Order to Abandon a Portion of Whitehorse Road North signed by Commissioners; public hearing had been held at January 28th meeting.
12:15 Commissioner Bullock departed the meeting.
12:20 Closed-door meeting to discuss a personnel matter.
12:35 Meeting re-opened and adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary