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February 19, 2015

                                                                  COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                                  

          February 9-12, 2015 Commissioners attended the Montana Association of Counties Midwinter Conference in Helena

          February 19 , 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.  

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Marissa Godoy-Yashinsky met with Commissoners to present petitions regarding parking and garbage disputes in Belfry. Commissioners will discuss the issue with Sheriff and have them investigate to determine if it is a violation of Ordinance 10-2 “Control Litter within Carbon County and Procedures for Enforcement.”

8:45 Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum met with Commissioners for computer and radio purchase requests and 318 Authorization for Joliet pier removal.

9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Planning Director Brent Moore and Dave Dixon met with Commissioners to discuss County business.

9:10 Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Gurrero joined the meeting.

Commissioners and County Attorney discussed Annex Office leases and new information regarding competitive rates. Commissioner Tucker moved to increase the rate for new Annex Office leases to $15/ft sq.; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

The Commissioners signed a letter in support of the Custer Gallatin Forest land exchange with Red Lodge Mountain.

Commissioners and County Attorney discussed jail reimbursements from the Department of Corrections (DOC). The Attorney General’s office is working on an opinion regarding County reimbursements for DOC inmates. Carbon County is also still waiting on Wyoming to determine if Park County can enter into a contract to house Carbon County inmates.

Brent Moore discussed change of use permits. Planning board would like to change the administrative procedural process, would like to have a bigger role in approvals so that there is a public hearing.

9:40 Commissioners closed the meeting to discuss pending litigation regarding the Complaint brought by Silvertip Landowners regarding the denial of the zoning district.

10:00 Pam Walling Montana Association of Counties met with Commissioners for the Health Care Trust Insurace renewal. 5.6% increase for health, 3 of top 25 claims all retirees.

10:20 Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding web mapping and Montana Land Information Act (MLIA) Grant wrap-up. The ArcGIS program is changing to a cloud based infrastructure that will require less hardware for the County. The MLIA Grant project, to resurvey section corners in the Clarks Fork Valley, has been completed. Tom expects the new section corners to align with cadastral within two months.

Commissioner Tucker moved to approve January 29th, February 2nd, and 5th meeting minutes; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

11:19 Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald met with Commissioners regarding weed inspection fees. Development projects requiring a weed plan require an inspection from the Weed District and needs to be added to the Carbon County fee schedule. Commissioner Grewell moved to set weed inspection fees at $75/hour for the weed inspectors time and equipment usage; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

11:30 Samantha Long and Debbie Brown from the Historical Society met with Commissioners to discuss the Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant for Historic Preservation and Professional Services Agreement for Historic Preservation Officer. Commissioner Grewell moved to make application for CLG Grant; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried. Professional Services agreement will be revisited March 26th.

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept District Court Cash Balance Report for January 2015; Commissioner Grewell second; motion carried

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Justice Court End of Period Disbursement for January 2015; Commissioner Grewell second; motion carried.

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Treasurer Cash Report for January 2015; Commissioner Grewell sconded; motion carried

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Clerk and Recorders Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for January 2015; Commissioner Grewell second; motion carried.
