February 2, 2021

February 2, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Beartooth Stock Association members Jim Stampfel, Howdy Hildebrand, and John Patterson joined during Public Comment Period to share their concern about a new noxious weed (grass) in Montana called Ventenata; they believe it has potential to de-value agricultural property by diminishing habitat for livestock by being unpalatable to grazing animals due to high concentration of silica. Weed Coordinator Brian Ostwald also joined the meeting stating that Ventenata is a challenge to control due to its resistance to traditional herbicides and application methods. Ostwald is testing control measures and will educate the public when the best treatment/course is determined. Discussion regarding draft Development Regulations as pertaining to agriculture; public hearing is scheduled for March 11. Patterson expressed appreciation to Commissioners for their attention to road maintenance and snow plowing.

Commissioners approved Newell’s request to change Krizek’s work schedule to four 10-hour days – Tuesday through Friday.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for January 12, 14, and 19; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain shared his research regarding the proposed Detention Facility as pertaining to construction.

Commissioner Bullock, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, and Election Administrator Macque Bohleen provided testimony this week to State Senator David Howard in opposition of State Senate Bill 92, a bill proposing to disallow appointed County election administrators and requiring them to be elected officials.

Commissioner Blain moved to accept the County Treasurer’s Report for January, Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain moved to accept the District Court for Fines and Fees for January; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder Deposit Reconciliation for January; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Tim Hornung, Chief Deputy US Marshal for the State of Montana, and Sheriff Josh McQuillan met to discuss the proposed Detention Facility and the potential for the Marshals to rent beds thereby reducing County operational costs. Hornung outlined requirements for housing federal inmates as points for advance consideration in design construction and operations; he reviewed the layout proposed by Lombard Conrad Architects and didn’t observe any obstacles in the preliminary design to compliance with Federal performance-based standards.

11:00 Cade Overstreet, Field Representative for U.S. House Representative Matt Rosendale, met for an update. Commissioners detailed pertinent local issues such as: Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) funds for two failing Eastside Road bridges; the need for Federal incentives and investment for utility infrastructure which would benefit the public/businesses as well as the proposed Detention Facility; the exponential real-estate growth; the importance of Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments which are 11% of County’s revenue and are used to offset operations; FEMA/Floodplain regulation mandates that require County enforcement without Federal funding; and more local control for government where possible.

Commissioner Bullock signed a contract for consultant services with Great West Engineering for an Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Checklist Inventory which is required for the Roberts Water-Sewer project’s Community Development Block Grant.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve Employee Time as submitted; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.