NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

February 20, 2024

February 20, 2024
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury and Building Maintenance Coordinator Mike Schilz met regarding schedule change requests. Commissioners discussed Building Maintenance Schedule Change requests. Delcena Lyyttinen would like to alter her schedule to 7:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday, with a 1-hour lunch. Discussed Oswald’s altered schedule to 32 hours per week to transition back on temporary medical restrictions; it was never approved as a permanent schedule change. Discussed request to work through lunch period. Commissioners and Schilz discussed the standard ½ hour lunch period and the practicality of custodial staff eating while on the job. Bullock moved to approve leave requests as submitted; Blain seconded; Miller requested schedule approval be placed in writing; motion carried.
Treasurer Lori Lynde met regarding a spelling bee donation from Altana. To avoid a special check run Lynde would like to write a Treasurer Disbursement to purchase the gift card with the donated funds; Commissioners agreed that would be efficient.
Lynde also noted she plans to retire in December.
9:00 Schilz rejoined the meeting for Building Maintenance Coordinator Interviews. Josh Graven interview.
Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for February 6 and 8; Miller seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Brent Moore and Tyler Lindbloom met for bid opening for the Lovers Lane Flood Repairs. Bid from Overtime Enterprises Inc. – the bid was incomplete as it did not include a signed acknowledgment of liquidated damages, a contractor’s license, or a signed Byrd anti lobbying form. Bullock moved to disregard the bid from Overtime Enterprises due to the deficicencies in the submission; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to accept the bid from Holden Excavating as the lowest complete bid; Blain seconded; discussion of pre-bid meeting
11:30 Closed the door to discuss interviews.

11:45 Kate Asbury met for her monthly Human Resources update. Asbury provided a review of Workers Compensation Claims noting slips trips and falls continue to be the leading category for Work Comp claims.
Blain moved to approve the DPHHS Task Order for the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP); Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to approve the Montana Weed Control Association Education Trailer Agreement; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Lunch

1:20 Sanitarian Barbara Krizek met to request a line item transfer of $4,500 from contracted services to provide funding for temp staff (Birkelo) for approximately 12 hours per week; Bullock moved, Blain seconded; discussion about schedule and accommodating other County duties, Krizek and Birkelo will decide on weekly or bi-weekly basis what the schedule will be. Newell confirmed there was sufficient budget for the move.

1:30 Asphalt preservation planning. Discussion of cost of asphalt maintenance, public expectations, past frustrations with millings, determining what to preserve vs what to reclaim, and what to revert to gravel. Based on the last reclamation project on Clear Creek Road Bullock noted it is about $700,000 over three years to prep, place new pavement, and properly seal a 2-mile stretch of road or about $30/ft to maintain asphalt (this figure does not include force labor and equipment costs). Discussion of issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Asphalt program evaluation. Blain and Miller agreed that they are opposed to new pavement in either of their districts; and have to focus on repairing. Blain noted his priority is Pryor. Discussed asphalt rejuvenation products that may extend the life of existing asphalt. Discussed asphalt preservation equipment (reclaimer) costs and if the number of motor graders should be reduced to help pay for it. Commissioners would like to issue a bid for chip sealing Clear Creek and Joliet Fromberg Roads and striping/patching on Boyd Cooney Road. They would also like to investigate issuing an RFP for an asphalt preservation evaluation.

2:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer