February 23, 2017


February 23, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb met with Commissioners regarding fairgrounds deposit waiver for the Forest Service. Commissioners requested the Forest Service raise that request to the Commission.

Commissioner Grewell moved approval of February 6, 2017 Commissioners proceedings; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Grewell moved approval of Clerk Monthly deposit reconciliation for January 2017; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

8:55 Deputy Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall and Macque Bohleen from the elections office met with Commissioners to urge them to contact legislators to support SB 305 to allow for a mail ballot election to replace Ryan Zinkee should he be confirmed as Secretary of the Interior.

DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding Fuel Tax Maps, he will review them in the mapping program before the March deadline.

Commissioners received confirmation from the City of Red Lodge they would like to hold Cemetery District referendum as a mail ballot election with this fall’s municipal election.

9:00 Ed Webb and Jim Tuell from Project Telephone joined the meeting. They would like to install a fiber line near Edgar. Discussed specifics of encroachment with Commissioners. Commissioner Grewell moved to approve the encroachment permit; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Commissioner Prinkki moved to approve Forest Service Annual Operating Plan for the Cooperative Law Enforcement Services Agreement; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Prinkki moved to approve State Highway Traffic Safety Section Grant Agreement; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners approved sending a letter to Senator Tester from the Board of Commissioners requesting he support Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court; the Commissioners feel it would be beneficial to have western judge on the Court.


Commissioners received petition to adopt E. Rosebud Rd. as a county road. There is language in the petition suggesting the road is already a county road. Commissioners will work with legal counsel and landowners to revise petition language.

11:00 Safety Committee Meeting. John Grewell, John Prinkki, Doug Tucker, Angela Newell, Pam Schwend, Nikki Bailey, Jane Swanson-Webb, Tom Kohley, Josh Juarez, and Rick Martin were present.

12:00 Board of Health meeting. Dick Nolan, Doug Tucker, John Grewell, Tom Kohley, Jean Atherly, Josh Juarez, Tom Kohley, Sheila Boggio, Stephanie Hanser, Carly Kyte, Dr. Bill George, Administrative Assistant Angela Newell, and guests Therese Picasso-Edwards, Garrison Daily, and from the PEAK Health program were present.


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant