NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

February 3, 2022

February 3, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Bullock noted discussion with Town of Bridger regarding bridge on the south end of town that needs to be replaced. Bullock proposed the potential to use Wind Impact Fees to help pay for a box culvert; the Town proposes using its BARSSA funds for the project, but is about $15,000 short of the total project cost. Town will be here Tuesday to discuss.
Commissioners discussed marijuana dispensaries; would like to implement interim zoning to implement some sidebars on the businesses in the County; there has been an influx of applications for Group 2 Development Permits for marijuana businesses. Discussion regarding whether or not local regulations can cap the number of businesses.
Discussion regarding County Tribal Matching Grant (CTMG); Public Health’s new Administrative Assistant Katie Day is willing to start getting things going. Public Health asked if Blain would reach out to Mental Health Center regarding diverting the Local Advisor Council (LAC) meeting on the 17th to focus on the grant deliverable items.
Discussed letter from Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols regarding reducing Stacey Frank’s hours. Commissioners approved the reduction.
9:00 Sanitarian Update. Barbara Krizek, Scott Vandell, and Lori Kane present. Krizek reviewed her monthly update report (attached). Discussion regarding Sanitarian Fee Schedule. Kane presented a comparison between Carbon, Stillwater, Yellowstone Counties’ fees. Blain moved to adopt revised fees as presented; Miller seconded; discussion regarding adopting a new resolution, Krizek would like to reformat the schedule before. Discussion regarding sanitarian permit fee search fees. Currently flat fee of $3; this does not account for staff time when there is significant research involved. Motion was amended to also increase the search fee to $5. Motion carried.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Kristin Cogswell met with Commissioners for regular update. Discussed Red Lodge Airport Aeronautics grant award.
Blain moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for January 11 and 13, 2021; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed Road and Bridge Inventory.

John Monroe met with Commissioners about using LAC meeting on February 17th regarding CTMG. Discussion regarding South Central Regional Mental Health Center Agreement, Commissioners would like to diversify Alcohol tax and revisit per capita fee; Blain believes the higher per capita rate was negotiated to have a therapist in County 5 days a week, not to have the office staffed by a secretary. Commissioners will contact Ostermiller to begin contract negotiations.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners for his regular meeting. Discussed Roberts marijuana dispensary across from school and supporting case law that specifies that distance rules require it to be on the same street. Discussed possible local regulations and the option to limit the number of marijuana businesses in county; Bullock would like to put a cap on number of licensed businesses until after next legislature. Blain and Miller agree that they don’t want it to be a free for all. Discussion about using zoning to require a store front on a foundation with bathrooms. Discussion about construction and development in general including residential construction and sanitary and subdivision concerns
10:37 Steve Keebler and Greg Lukasik GreatWest Engineering met regarding Roberts Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The Water Board is concerned about going forward with the process because of the increase to water rates. Commissioners are concerned the withdraw of the project could impact the County’s future grant funding. Keebler would like to move forward with CDBG portion and associated public meetings, but does not anticipate more land owner participation with increase construction costs. Rural Development loan for $700k, would be assessed to each property owner whose water line is replaced. Those that qualify will have their assessment paid off by CDBG funds. Assessment is for 40 years at 3.51% interest.
11:20 Mike McEntire met with Commissioners to express his frustration with recreational marijuana businesses and the recent increase in those businesses. He would like a better evaluation of the effect of marijuana on public safety and culture.
12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer