NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1   NEW WEBSITE - Carbon County is moving to

February 6, 2024

February 6, 2024
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer Lori Lynde met regarding the $1,500 cost of the subsequent tax billing.
9:00 Red Lodge Mayor Dave Westwood and Denise Rivette. Review of City Ordinance 966 showing revised boundary, Wetwood believes the map from 1976, referenced in Ordinance 706, is the boundary until all parties agree otherwise. Discussion of RPA Master Plan Draft Alt 5, the necessary runway protection zones, requirements for federal funding, land acquisition to protect runway protection zones, and lease revenue generated within the airport boundary being used to fund the airport. Bullock believes more area is better, Westwood asked if the road would be a better boundary. Discussion of direct control over conforming or non-conforming buildings and where lease revenue goes. Blain noted far north boundary should follow Highway 78 and Airport Road. Discussion of Airport Road being boundary on the South.
Blain moved to recognize the boundary adopted by the Red Lodge City Council in Ordinance 966; Miller seconded; see above discussion; all opposed; motion failed.
9:35 Bullock moved to approve the final Opioid Abatement Trust Region 3 Interlocal Agreement; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Mary Cameron as the County’s Abatement Trust Representative; Blain seconded; Commissioners discussed Cameron’s previous representation on other boards and asked that Cross and Cameron utilize support staff to alleviate any burden from the additional duty; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Election Administrator Crystal Roascio’s schedule change as requested; Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Sanitarian Barbara Krizek in attendance. Krizek noted the agreement today is with DEQ to allow Carbon County to be a contracted County thus authorizing the secondary contract with Megan Spry. Blain moved to approve the contract with the Montana Department of Environmental Policy; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met for his monthly update. Kohley reviewed his written report (attached). Discussed Montana Geospatial Information Act Grant project for an RTN Station; requires 20% match Discussion of setting a schedule for Songstead to better utilize grant hours. Discussed surplus property requests, Burn permit system, schedule procedures, and flexing hours. Bullock noted the Board believes they have been too lax on schedule changes, Kohley noted he tries hard not to be on overtime unless it is emergency response related. Kohley noted he believes he professionally performs his job, puts customer service first, and wants to be accessible when there are issues. Discussion of Fire Assignments under the DNRC Option 3 Agreement; Blain does not believe the policy necessarily changed their view on Kohley’s ability to respond to fires elsewhere in the State. Blain did note that the biggest impact on out-of-county response is likely going to be due to local fire season response.
11:00 Extension Agent Amber Elliot met with Commissioners regarding program priorities. The lecture series that started last week had a good turnout. Discussed grasshopper prevention (it is estimated to be a bad year), county funding for possible match program, newsletter mailing list, drought planning, seed library at public libraries, the possibility of Carbon County hosting a livestock judging camp, and fair participation numbers.
12:00 lunch

1:00 Airport Board Meeting. Merrill Pfeifer, Bo Ewald, Mark Derudder, Steve Smith, Jeff Wise, Sandy Conlee, Terry Durbin, Elenore Guerrero, Denise Rivette, Barbara Krizek, Dave Westwood, and Rick Borsheim were present.

1:45 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer