February 8, 2024

February 8, 2024
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Discussed Atkinson property on the boundary between Red Lodge and Belfry, Fire, Cemetery, and School Districts, the process to be annexed into the Belfry Districts, and difference in taxes.
Discussed rental of a reclaimer at $14,000/ week, benefits to road material maintenance.
9:00 Sanitarian Barbara Krizek, Sanitarian Jesse Gutierrez, and Sanitarian Assistant Lori Kane met for the Environmental Health monthly update. Krizek reviewed septic installer training yesterday and lessons for next year. Krizek discussed Wastewater Regulation updates and her wishlist items including shoring up DEQ COSA files, creating a GIS, mapping layer for Groundwater monitoring as well as a GIS layer for permitting.
Discussion of request from the Town of Bridger to discuss a possible cooperative project with the county for improvements to City Hall and possible use of Wind Impact Fees. Bullock would like to know if the Town has seen any measurable impacts from the Wind Farm.
9:35 Tory Kolkhorst from Senator Daines Office in attendance.
9:40 Red Lodge Mayor Dave Westwood met for his regular meeting. Noted arbor day grant for trees in Rotary Park and discussion of about the State’s plans for revegetation of the area damaged in 2022 Spring flooding. Bullock noted that is a question for the Department of Transportation as that is their project. Discussed possible property acquisition of the Bastien Property; Westwood noted 12.5% of the cost is the responsibility of the City. Once the Acquisition is completed the City could then get a reclamation grant to make the property into a park.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular meeting.
Commissioners and Nixon discussed the Ambulance Levy on the agenda next week.
Commissioners and Kolkhorst discussed Federal legislation including the border security bill, disaster recover and FEMA funding, and Congressional races.

10:30 Crystal Roascio. Blain moved to approve Resolution 2024-10 calling special district board main election; Miller seconded; Bullock asked about the budget, Roascio confirmed the election is budgeted for if it will be needed; motion carried.
Commissioners and Kolkhurst discussed the border crisis, possible impacts to Montana and Carbon County, and recent issues in Billings with undocumented immigrants driving the wrong way on I 90. Discussed the Fromberg EWP riprap project. Discussed the continued need for jail space and hopes that the State may step in to help establish regional jails.
11:00 Kolkhurst departed
Blain moved to approve Claims for January 2024, Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Deputy Clerk and Recorder Piney Helmuth met with Commissioners for the Property Insurance renewal with the Montana Association of Counties Property Casualty Trust (PCT). Discussed the addition of equipment acquired via the Fire Fighter Protection surplus property program. Bullock moved to approve PCT Renewal for 2024-2025 and authorize Miller to sign; Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:20 Commissioners reviewed Employee time status. Bullock moved to close the meeting for an HR discussion.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Bullock moved to approve Certified Local Government Grant for the Historic Preservation Officer; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer