February 9, 2021

February 9, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock, and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Molly Bell from U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s office joined during Public Comment period for an update. Discussion regarding the Federal Lands Access Program and the two failing bridges on East Side Road; Bell expects the legislation to become re-authorized in September and will provide a letter of support from the Senator when the time comes. Commissioners Bullock and Blain pointed to their disappointment that the Senator was not in support of the Keystone XL pipeline and that effects are being felt locally; Bell explained the Senator’s vote was procedural to further the COVD-19 relief bill without amendments. The Senator did not believe the amendment would allow the COVID-19 relief to move forward. She will pass along the Commissioners’ concern to the Senator. Commissioner Bullock reported that tourism actually increased (evidenced by Red Lodge’s 2020 Resort Tax revenues) as well as volume of real-estate transactions despite COVID-19. Commissioner Blain said non-profits (such as Rodeo) suffered being unable to hold their big public events. Commissioner Blain asked that the Senator sees the Keystone XL pipeline through to fruition. Commissioner Blain also asked that the Senator investigates and follow-through on the anti-trust brought against the meat packers; Bell spoke to legislation he passed. Commissioner Blain asked for support for utility infrastructure to the Joliet area which would help with the proposed Detention Facility.
9:00 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined to present the agreement for Burn Permit Maintenance. Commissioner Miller moved to approve the agreement for services; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain moved to accept the Justice Court disbursements for January; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Miller moved to approve the Montana Association of Counties Property and Casualty Insurance annual renewal; Commissioner Miller seconded; discussion regarding the additions to the coverage for radio towers and associated equipment; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for January 21, 26, 28, and February 2; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.