January 11, 2016


          January 11, 2016

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

          8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Commissioners discussed draft letter regarding the Mud Springs Wind Project Impact Fee and two years’ worth of Impact Fees that are due. Commissioners will consult with the County Attorney to confirm what Impact Fee is allowed under statute.

          9:00 Commissioners participated in Webinar with Public Surplus, a Public Auction Service. Commissioners are interested in registering with Public Surplus to facilitate future equipment sales. The online format would provide for a larger audience and increase sale prices. 

          10:00 Sanitarian Josh Juarez met with Commissioners for his monthly update. Is working with CTA regarding Floodplain administration and regulations; he is recommending that applicants be responsible for notifying adjacent landowners and provide documentation of certified mail notices. He expects Floodplain Administration to transition from CTA to him by end of March. He will attend the Floodplain Administrator certification in early March. Josh discussed the new sanitary regulations being imposed by DEQ including reviews for sage grouse impacts which will require a comment letter from the Sage Grouse Advisory Committee.

Josh noted sanitary issues with properties on E. Pryor Road and 5 Mile Road where folks are living in campers and do not have proper sanitation; he has issued a septic permit on one property and is working with others to bring them into compliance. He is also progressing on an enforcement action with Tomahawk Cafe in Fromberg to bring them into compliance with campground licensing and acquiring permits for their connection to the Fromberg Lagoon. Commissioner Grewell noted there are trailers in Silesia behind the old bar that may also need septic permits. Josh noted that he plans to work with septic pumpers and installers to provide guidance so that they are not setting up non-compliant facilities. He will also be reviewing sanitary issues with non-compliant facilities off Robertson Draw Road. In the Western Ranch Estates Subdivision, most porta toilets have been removed. One party has received holding tank approval from DEQ which will be presented to the Board of Health; another has received approval for incinerator toilet.

          10:30 Commissioners reviewed operating resolutions. They will agenda a Resolution to Establish Office Hours for the elected officers. Other County Departments have varied hours.

Commissioners discussed a reduction in force for the Mechanic position in Bridger Road District. Commissioners believe it is the best interest of the County for that position to be changed to a regular Road Maintenance Worker position.

          11:00 Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman met with Commissioners for Personnel Manual Update. Personnel policies are being updated in accordance with the updated Montana Association of Counties’ Model Personnel Manuel. Commissioner Grewell moved to approve the Personnel Policy Manual updates as discussed; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.                   



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant