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January 21, 2020

January 21, 2020
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
9:00 Sanitarian Cortney Lynde, Contract Planner Forrest Mandeville, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, and Travis West from Engineering West met with Commissioners for the review of the Woodlands on Rock Creek Subdivision. Lots 3-9 are going back through subdivision review to allow condo/multi-family residential developments. Forrest noted there was a letter of map amendment that removed the parcels from the floodplain. In the original subdivision parcels were approved for a house and guest house. DEQ has confirmed via email that the original Certificate of Subdivision Approval can be applied to the multi-family developments. Commissioner Bullock presented pictures of the lots under water last spring. Forrest noted the original conditions to subdivision cannot be amended at this time. Commissioners would like something noted in the revised approval so that future potential buyers are warned about possible flooding issues. Commissioner Bullock would also like it noted that the County will not be responsible for repairs should flooding affect the County road access to the lots. 9:35 Mary Cameron joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Woodlands on Rock Creek Subdivision Revision, noting the known flooding issues on the lots and emphasizing that should this flooding impact Two-Mile Bridge Road, the County will not be addressing issues with the road that are caused by creek breaches located on private property; in discussion Commissioner Blain noted he is concerned with trying to put houses there and does not support developing the lots at all; Commissioners noted armoring the bank is not a long term maintenance solution to road flooding and that the flooding could impact City sewer facilities. Commissioner Blain and Commissioner DeArmond voted yay; Commissioner Bullock voted nay; motion carried.
10:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) Agreement for Licensed establishment inspections; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:05 County Attorney Alex Nixon, Victim Advocate Tessa Brangers, and Mary Cameron met with Commissioners for Renewal of the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Red Lodge for Victim Advocate services. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Interlocal Agreement renewal for another two-year term; motion carried.

Alex and Commissioners discussed Detention facility plans and making sure the Department of Corrections is involved in the design phase.
Commissioners approved the Services Agreement with Beartooth Fire Protection.
Commissioners approved the E-Recording Services agreement with Endecon Global Services.
Commissioners approved the Department of Public Health and Human Services Cooperative Agreement for Reimbursement of Licensed Establishment Inspections.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for January 7, 2020; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve employee time; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners reviewed the Contract with GeoComm for 911 Support.
12:00 Lunch

2:00 Gary Levine Spectrum Group Architects, Russ Moorhead Lombard Conrad Architects, Ken Gallegos Lombard Conrad Architects, Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols, Steve Simonson Beartooth RC&D, Jane Swanson-Webb, Pete Critelli, Wanda Kennicott, and Judith Gregory were present. Gary presented scale drawings of the facility and sites. Gary noted he has visited and walked all sites and has recorded the mileage to the Courthouse and medical facilities.
Commissioners first reviewed the Yellowstone Dog Sports site. There was a discussion regarding the existing water and sewer facilities. The existing water and sewer systems cannot be upsized for the facility and the parcel would have to go through DEQ for approval and permitting. Gary also noted the high-water table and size of facility will require a small lagoon / treatment facility. Commissioners discussed having excess property to subdivide and sell to offset the purchase price; they are concerned the high purchase price may affect the success of the bond measure. Commissioners also expressed concerns with the significant additional construction costs of a standalone system which is estimated to cost $3,000,000-$5,000,000 and would also significantly increase the operating budget. Three-phase power would also need to be brought to the site.
The Stevens site just south of Joliet was reviewed next. Joliet municipal water and sewer lines are up to property line and the Town believes there is sufficient capacity to accommodate the facility. Water lines may need to be upsized which could cost between $300,000 and $1,750,000.

2:15 Sheriff Josh McQuillan joined the meeting. There was discussion regarding the opposition that has been received from some neighbors adjacent to the site in Joliet.
Next up was the Klamert site at Rockvale. It was noted the current access road is switch backed, needs significant improvements, and may pose some challenges to accessing the facility in inclement weather. The access road also crosses a ditch which may necessitate improving the culvert or installing a bridge over the ditch. The Rockvale site has three-phase power and internet services closer than the Yellowstone Dog Sports site. Judge Nichols asked about water availability; Commissioners will consult with engineers regarding water availability. There was a discussion regarding providing a second access road. It was noted the Rockvale site is closest to medical services and has the largest available labor pool.
The Town of Fromberg site was discussed next. Gary noted the topography of the site is very challenging because it is not level and would require significant dirt work. Because it is an old dump site, the facility would require pylons to anchor the foundation. Commissioners and architects also discussed the easements required to connect to water and sewer facilities. Because of the issues with the Town site, Commissioners discussed the site in Fromberg proposed by Julie Jones. The land purchase prices is higher than the town site, but it is much closer to utilities and more feasible for construction.
Commissioners discussed the site evaluation matrix and weights of the various criteria. Commissioners would like to remove the Town of Fromberg site because of the contaminant unknowns and significant costs associated with site preparation and replace it with the site proposed by Julie Jones. Commissioners would also like the 10% weight for the site size to and 10% of the weight allocated to site acceptance to be allocated to site cost for a total 60% weight going to cost.
Architects reviewed facility changes since December meeting including the addition of a Toilet and intoxilyzer room off of the sally port.


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer