January 25, 2016


          January 25, 2016

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

          8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Commissioners reviewed Road Superintendent applications.

     Commissioners received invitation to attend a Department of Natural Resource Conservation workshop on March 10th regarding Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste. They plan to attend the training

     Commissioner Grewell moved to rescind Resolution 2013-01 and adopt 2016-01 Establishing Office Hours for Carbon County Officers; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

     Commissioners received notice of and plan to attend the Property & Casualty/Workers’ Compensation Trust Membership Meeting February 3rd during the Montana Association of Counties Midwinter Conference.

     Commissioner Tucker moved to accept meeting minutes for December 31, 2015, and January 4 and 7, 2016; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

     10:00 Commissioners discussed 46-18-403 MCA Credit for incarceration prior to conviction. Commissioner Grewell moved to establish daily credit for rate of incarceration at $100/day; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried. Resolution 2016-02.  



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant