January 25, 2024

January 25, 2024
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Blain and Bullock attended an organizational meeting last night with the Extension Office, Fair Board, 4H Council, and FFA Representative to discuss Fair planning, lanes for those involved in planning and operations, and each entities responsibility.
Discussed FEMA Reimbursements, final payments for bridge replacements, and liquidated damages from True North Steel.
9:00 Commissioners reviewed time reports for employees under their supervision.
Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for the closed session on January 11th, open and closed session on January 16, and the open session on January 18; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Dave Westwood met for his regular meeting. Discussed Airport interlocal agreement; Westwood confirmed Council has provided authorization for him to negotiate a new Interlocal Agreement. Discussion about the inception of the lease with the Red Lodge Rodeo Association and the organizing of events within the City of Red Lodge that utilize the leased area. Discussion of whether the Airport Board Leases (HOC lease in particular) supersede the City’s Special Event approval process; Westwood is inclined to say that they do, but until the details are worked out would prefer that events also continue to fill out paperwork with the City. Discussion of who has the responsibility for coordinating law enforcement and any other items necessary for events in the leased space. Discussion of the leasing process and the proceeds for any sublease going to the Rodeo Association and the expectation that Home of Champions upkeep the ground and fencing within the leased area. Discussion of lease rate and how the Rodeo Association’s lease value was determined. Discussion of Airport Boundary, the boundary referenced in City Ordinance 706, and the boundary adopted by City Ordinance 966.
Discussion of creating a Resolution or Interim Protocol for renters using property north of the Rodeo Grounds. Westwood would like to see the protocol require a Land Use Permit Application (not an events application), so that proper notice can be provided to City departments. There was a discussion of the need for a process to ensure services (especially fire/law/ems) are prepared to accommodate an event within the City. The Land Use Application also requires proof of insurance. Westwood believes the Council would like to see land use fees applied in these instances. There was a discussion of the maintenance of land and fencing by the Rodeo Association in exchange for a lease. General discussion of the proper protocol for “subleasing” area under the Rodeo Association Lease.
Bullock moved to establish an interim protocol for “subleasing” the area under the Rodeo Association Lease follows:
1. An event applicant goes to the Rodeo Association
2. The Rodeo Association directs the applicant to the City to complete a Land Use Application and pay any associated fees
3. The Rodeo Association comes to the Airport Board for subleasing approval with proof of liability insurance listing the both the Airport Board and City as additional insured;
Blain seconded; motion carried.
Westwood believes the two main questions for finalizing the Interlocal Agreement language are what is the boundary and what is the Board’s authority over that boundary.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular meeting. Discussed possible appeal for subdivision / ag tract created as a remainder on Elbow Cr. Discussion of Ambulance Mill Levy procedures. Discussed readopting a Resolution to establish the Fair Board as the historic Resolution cannot be located and the original enabling statutes that were specific to Fair Boards have been repealed.
10:50 Bullock noted a request from Beartooth Humane Alliance (BHA) to lease space in the Cedarwood building to temporarily house animals. All three Commissioners agreed that the facility was not appropriate for housing animals and are not interested in further subleasing the building.
Commissioners discussed the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program and the possibility of applying for East Rosebud to augment Federal Lands Access Program Grant. Discussion of utilizing other contractors to write grants.

11:30 Bullock moved to approve Coal Board Grant Application for $87,165 to fund the Carbon County Area Ride and Transit (CART) Program; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) meeting that will be Monday night in Fromberg to discuss putting local match on water bills.
Discussion of available dump trucks and impacts to cash of purchasing large equipment.
12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer