January 28, 2016


          January 28, 2016

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

          8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Commissioners meeting minutes for January 11th and 14th as presented; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

          9:30 Jim Bushnell, Peter Italiano, Dan Gainer, Marcella Manuel, Tom Kohley, and Judy Christensen met with Commissioners regarding establishing a Cemetery District to support the Red Lodge Cemetery; the City of Red Lodge has been struggling to keep up with the cost of cemetery operations. Based on the taxable valuation of the Red Lodge High School district the City estimates that 4 mills would be need to support the current annual operations of $60,000. Because of district overlaps within the High School District, that boundary would need to be adjusted and mill level adjusted accordingly. Commissioner Grewell asked about the interlocal agreement necessary to pursue the creation of the District; if the voters did not approve the district the interlocal agreement would void. Commissioner Grewell also asked if there was a benefit to putting the creation of the District and the Mill Levy on the ballot at the same time or creating the district and letting the District Board make the mill levy request. The City thought putting both issues out at the same time would make informing the public easier.

     10:00 Tiffany Lyden, DNRC; Steve Story, DNRC; Marijo Brady, FEMA; Sarah Houghland, Michael Baker International; Sam Johnson, DNRC; Ethan Stapp, DNRC; Michelle Phillips, DNRC; Josh Juarez, Sanitarian/Floodplain Admin.; Tom Kohley, DES Coord./GIS Mgr; and Monica Plecker, Contract Planner/Floodplain Administrator; met with Commissioners to discuss Flood Plain mapping updates. Nicole Decker, DNRC; Traci Sears, DNRC; and Sean McNabb, FEMA participated via phone. The Floodplain Map Project is updating maps along the Yellowstone River to match Yellowstone County maps. Carbon County will need to engage the public in the comment period. Commissioner Grewell recommended that all notices also be placed in Laurel Outlook as many residents on the north end of the County read it rather than the Carbon County News. DNRC anticipates that new maps will be in effect around July 2017. Sixteen (16) properties in Carbon County will be effected; an informal letters with detailed information will be sent to each landowner.

          10:45 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with Commissioners to discuss a search warrant executed by the Red Lodge Police Department in Bearcreek. The County Attorney’s Office sent letters to mayor Williams and Chief Hibler regarding protocols for applying for out of jurisdiction warrants; these letters also noted warrants applied for outside of City jurisdiction must be endorsed by County Sheriff supervising officer and that the Sheriff or a Deputy shall be present and serve as the supervising officer for the search. A City Officer, who also serves as a Carbon County Reserve Deputy, represented himself as County Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy to Justice of the Peace, but was not called in or checked in as County employee. The Sheriff’s Office has terminated the individual. Tickets issued in the search were written into Red Lodge City Court and the officer was wearing Red Lodge Police Department uniform while conducting the search. Two Reserve Officers and Highway Patrol Officer left because they did not like how search was being conducted. The Sheriff was under the impression that there was property stolen from Red Lodge, but that is not what the warrant was issued for; it was issued for a drug search. Alex asked if POST should be contacted.

     Commissioner Grewell left the meeting to attend a personal appointment.

     11:00 Airport Board meeting. Merrill Pfeifer, Lonnie Sanford, and Willis Coffman were present. John Prinkki moved to approve the October 29, 2016 Airport Board meeting minutes; Merrill seconded; motion carried.

     12:00 Lunch

     1:00 Public Hearing – Public Health Emergency Operations Plan. No one attending the Hearing. Commissioner Tucker moved to adopt the Public Health Emergency Operations Plan; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

    Commissioner Tucker noted for the minutes that he is not in favor of Road Superintendent Position as he believes those duties should be part of the Commissioners responsibilities and is an unnecessary expense.

     2:00 Commissioner Grewell rejoined the meeting. Commissioners interviewed applicants for the Road and Bridge Superintendent positon.     



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant