January 28, 2021

January 28, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioners attended a meeting of the Detention Facility Citizen Advisory Committee last evening; the minutes from the Committee’s January 20, 2021 meeting were approved (see attached). The County will issue a Request for Qualifications for Owner’s Agent services to then be awarded February 16; February 10 Committee meeting will be postponed to February 17. Discussion regarding the financials of possibly running a full operating levy in addition to the construction bond for a potential 50-bed facility.

Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting to discuss opportunities to acquire surplus equipment through the Firefighter Property Program (FFP); he will request one mobile generator for Joliet Rural Fire District #1, one mobile generator for Carbon County, and one tandem axle truck for Carbon County.

Discussion that the Bridger Road District will assume a gas tank previously under the Sheriff’s Department.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for December 24, 29, and 31 of 2020 and Jan 5 and 7 of 2021; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

9:45 Red Lodge Mayor Larson met for his weekly update. He reported that Kim Haman was re-appointed to the Red Lodge/Roberts Ambulance Board. Newell reported that Takami Clark of Montana Department of Transportation will be joining a Commissioner Meeting in February to provide an update on the Highway 212 widening/re-construction from Red Lodge to Roberts; the meeting will be timed for Larson to be able to join. Airport Board member Gary Herem has coordinated with Community Development Director James Caniglia regarding the North-end airport approach and the proposed Lutheran Church construction; Caniglia will attend all future Airport Board meetings.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve claims from January 21; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners to discuss on-going litigation regarding the damage to 2-Mile Bridge in Summer 2020. Discussion regarding gravel pit permitting on the Dykstra Pit and reclamation efforts. Discussion regarding the proposed Detention Facility and Alternative Project Delivery Contracts per Montana Code Annotated as guidance pertaining to the Owner’s Representative services and though not required to do so, the County will conduct a Request for Qualifications for those services. Commissioner Blain is turning in the Application for Enlargement of Services with the Town of Joliet for the annexation of the proposed Detention Facility property; Nixon expressed again that an Interlocal Agreement is not needed. Commissioner Miller relayed public interest regarding creating an alternate entry into Belfry; Newell stated the old highway has been abandoned while retaining the right-of-way; Commissioner Miller is concerned about safety concerns with high school kids accessing the old highway and is interested in further signage if appropriate for the County to do so. Commissioners asked for an update on the Industrial Communications litigation; Nixon will coordinate a meeting with Contract Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez.

Newell proposed a meeting with Bank of Bridger regarding transferring County business from First Interstate Bank due to better interest rates offered with Bank of Bridger; Commissioner Bullock volunteered to join Newell, County Treasurer Lori Lynde, and Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall for that meeting.

Newell reported that the Town of Bridger inquired whether Commissioners would consider discounting contracted dispatch and law enforcement fees charged to municipalities since some County salaries were being reimbursed by COVID-19 CARES Act; Commissioners stated they are not in favor of a discount since those funds are subsequently reimbursed into the general public safety fund which benefits everyone in the County.

Kohley re-joined the meeting to present his request for a better-performing computer to handle the increased requirements of ARC-GIS software; Commissioners approved his request.

12:00 Adjourned.