January 30, 2020
January 30, 2020
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby met with Commissioners for public comment to discuss last night’s meeting in Joliet regarding the detention facility. She felt the public sentiment was in support of the facility.
DES Coord. / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding Homeland Security grant funding priorities. Tom presented 4 possible grant applications: Flood Response Trailer, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Program; Mobile Generator; and 911 Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. Tom and Commissioners discussed the pros and cons of a UAV program; Tom anticipates it being a county program that could be “rented” by other agencies. Commissioner Bullock noted Stillwater County’s drone has not been used since they purchased it and there are significant ongoing maintenance costs associated with the device. Tom noted his concerns those that contract UAV services do not have liability insurance. Commissioners’ favored the Flood Response Trailer, Mobile Generator, and CAD system for the County’s three applications.
9:00 Detention Facility site selection. Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby, Red Lodge City Council Representative Mary Cameron, Interstate Engineering Regional VP Brent Moore, Carbon County News reporters Eleanor Guerrero and Alastair Baker, and Pete Critelli were present. Commissioner Blain reviewed Joliet meeting last night. He thought conversations were more factual and less emotional than the meeting held in December. Sheriff McQuillan noted more town residents were at last night’s meeting. Commissioner Blain noted that the Citizen Advisory Committee’s recommendation was Norman and Geraldine Stevens site (S14, T04 S, R22 E, PT Tr1-C-AM COS 902 3rd AM) in Joliet as primary and the Mike and Julie Jones property (S17, T05 S, R23 E, 1144, PARCEL 001, TR 1 COS 1144) in Fromberg as secondary. Commissioner Bullock moved, based on the Citizen Advisory Committee’s recommendation, that the Carbon County detention facility be located at the Stevens site in Joliet; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; Commissioner Blain noted how crucial city services are to reducing the cost of constructing and maintaining the facility; Commissioner Blain noted that Thank You letters will be sent to all 17 landowners who proposed land. Mary and Mayor Larson thanked Commissioners for their efforts to involve citizens in the site selection process. Motion carried unanimously.
Brent and Commissioners discussed the Pryor Mountain Road Bridge. The deadline for completion has been moved to May 18; liquidated damages of $5,000/day will be applied after that day and there will be a $4,500/day incentive to complete the bridge replacement ahead of the deadline. Brent also noted the road may need to be closed for as long as 30-days for construction.
9:30 City of Red Lodge. Mayor Bill Larson, City Council President Dave Westwood, and Council Representative Mary Cameron were present. Discussion regarding Resort Tax. Council is considering an election this spring to add the 1% tax authorized by the legislature for special capital projects. The Resort Tax Committee is proposing changing the allocation of the 3% to allow the funds to be spent for maintenance they are also considering trimming property tax relief from 15% to 5%. City also noted they are working with engineers on a design for a new pool.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners. He noted his office has been very busy and last week’s district court made it very apparent what a predicament the county is in regarding inmate housing and transportation. Alex noted there are roughly 26 felonies working their way through his office. Alex and Commissioners discussed the Detention Facility Bond Election timeline; Alex does not have concerns with the timeline for an August 4th election. Alex and Commissioners also discussed the conditional purchase of the Stevens’ property for a detention facility site.
Commissioner Bullock noted the Transportation Advisory Committee’s minutes mention approaching Commissioners regarding funding for the transportation.
10:46 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for January 14, 2020; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the Bond Counsel Engagement letter with Jackson, Murdo, & Grant, P.C.; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to accept the disclosure from DA Davidson for underwriter services for the Detention Facility Bond; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer