January 30, 2024

January 30, 2024
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Closed meeting to discuss HR letters and response.
9:00 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley and Sanitarian Barbara Krizek met regarding the fee schedule revision. Krizek proposed her changes noting she would like to streamline fees and remove fee for programs not being provided including removing the additional cost for additional endorsements as there is no additional time for multiple endorsements. DEQ is no longer reviewing engineering for Pressure Dosing systems. Discussion of after-the-fact permit fees, Krizek would like to double fees for after-the-fact permits. May need to do a hydraulic analysis. Discussion of contracted DEQ reviews via Spry consulting; broke out a tiered schedule based on level of review. For Board of Health variances Krizek proposes removing the inspection Fee. Krizek would propose that Septic repairs fall in the $200 base fee. Blain is concerned that the permit should not cost more than the fix. Discussion of implementing “shall” issue permit without fees for minor repairs that do not affect the drain field. Kohley discussed the Burn Permit system costs, Address and placard costs, large format printing costs. Newell discussed Group 2 Planning.
Bullock moved to approve revised fees as proposed by Krizek and the removal of cattle guard maintenance; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:40 Treasurer Lori Lynde, Elanor Guerrero, and Denise Rivette were present. Bullock moved to adopt Resolution 2024-08 Amending the Mill Levy for the State Equalization, County High School Equalization, and County Elementary Equalization Mill Levy Authority for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2023 and Ending June 30, 2024; Blain seconded; discussion of language for the tax billing insert, Commissioners requested language regarding the additional billing being made at the direction of Governor Gianforte; motion carried.
10:00 Blain moved to approve a letter of support for the BLM trial steward grant application; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to appoint Marni Echols-Bell to the At Large Planning Board position for the remainder of the Term to end 12/31/2024; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Discussed Bridger member for Compensation Board; Miller is still looking for a member as Christ would like to step down. Discussed the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation’s Historic Preservation grant program and a possible representative from the Clarks Fork Valley. Bullock noted he had issued a letter of support from him individually for a Revitalization Grant for the Yodeler Motel.
Blain noted Fromberg’s meeting last night regarding the EWP project and Fromberg’s required financial commitment for the project; the public was generally in favor of paying for it with a water rate increase.
Bullock moved to approve Commissioners proceedings for January 23; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve employee time as submitted; Miller seconded; discussion about the elimination of preapproved non-emergency overtime being effective in reducing overtime; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2024-09 Adopting Amended Fee Schedule; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to accept Erin Cross’ Schedule change request to Tuesday – Friday, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm; Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Department Head Meeting. DES Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Building Maintenance Coordinator Mike Schilz, Public Health Director Erin Cross, GIS Coordinator Tom Kohley, Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols, Treasurer/Superintendent of Schools Lori Lynde, Extension Agent Carrie Guderjahn, Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen, Sanitarian Barbara Krizek, County Attorney Alex Nixon, and Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury were present.
Newell reviewed the status of budget amendments and noted the cash drain from 2022 flood repairs. Asbury reviewed policy changes. Discussion of travel reimbursements and forms added to the policy this summer. Bohleen noted all vendors need a new W9 form each year for each new contract. Asbury noted preparing a binder for each department with policy, work comp procedures, and the Safety Policy. Asbury reviewed training schedules and discussed the rollout of online safety training. Discussed payroll reporting, requested that any schedule changes be presented to the Commissioners for approval, and reviewed the revisions to the Commissioners’ administrative procedures specifically agenda procedures. Nichols asked about Cedarwood; Bullock noted that remodel requirements would be extensive and may not provide adequate space.

Commissioners are still in discussions with architects as they want to make sure the facility will serve the County for the future. Bullock noted the building probably needs to be demolished and have new construction that will meet the County’s needs. Commissioners are looking at grant opportunities to fund the construction and have had discussions of how to phase the project so it is more affordable and what financing options are available. Discussion of subleasing space in the building, Bullock noted he is not inclined to lease beyond the current food bank. Commissioners also noted the $70k profit on the sale of the Joliet property that had been acquired for the Jail Election.
Kohley asked about remote work and accommodations when on leave. Bullock believes when sick time is used an employee shouldn’t be working; Asbury discussed the FMLA Policy which prohibits remote work without a variance. Discussion of public nature of work and the expectation of the public that employees are present; Commissioners expressed concerns about remote work being used as a fallback and possible liability exposure. Commissioners noted their expectation is that employees perform their work on-site and that there is a discussion about remote work and overtime in advance of the event. Discussion of payroll records and notifications for sick leave when email is not available.
Krizek asked about schedule changes for larger breaks; Commissioners confirmed that it was their intent to tighten up schedules and reduce schedule flexing that is not to prevent overtime due to a work function.
12:00 Those that did not have any issues or questions regarding leave requests and time tracking policies departed.
Krizek and Kohley stayed to discuss scheduling and adherence to policy. Krizek does not believe policy should be uniform for all department heads under the Commissioners’ supervision as their job functions differ greatly. Commissioners clarified that the Board has supervision over non-elected department heads and needs to have oversight of those employees so they know when there are deviations and that this need does not differ on a department by department basis. Bullock noted the County has been in response mode and need to establish a sense of normal schedules and work expectations. Discussion of leave liability, overtime allocations between various departments. Commissioners noted they do not desire to allow schedule changes to augment the use of leave as a regular practice.
12:30 Lunch

1:00 Tyler Lindbloom, Brent Moore, and Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen met to discuss 2023 flood recovery and recent site inspections on Cherry Springs, Grove Creek, Pryor Road, and Elbow Creek Road. Discussed challenges with existing hydraulic modeling and the changes following the Robertson Draw Fire.
2:00 Commissioners and Allen Discussed the FEMA process and feedback for Allen to bring to the conference this spring. Discussed the National Flood Insurance Policy and the cost of Flood Insurance vs FEMA reimbursement for individuals.
2:30 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley noted he would like to hold a Home Hardening Workshop for properties in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and would like to apply for funding through Fire Adapted Montana Learning Network to help support the workshop. The Grant requires a 2 to 1 match. Kohley anticipates using burn permit fees to match the grant. Bullock moved to approve the grant application with a request that if the grant is awarded, contract documents be placed on the agenda; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer