NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

January 8, 2015


          January 8, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prikki were present.  

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

8:40 Commissioner Prinkki excused himself from the meeting to attend another appointment.

Carrie Entenmen, Lori Kane, Superintendent of Schools/Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb met with Commissioners regarding the Superintendent of Schools duties for the Luther School for following issues: Clerk position interviews, open Cook position, administration of teacher evaluations, a family matter, attendance at conferences for Technology & Student Testing as the County Superintendent is the "Assessment Coordinator" for Luther School, and assistance on the Luther School E-rate program.

Luther School is looking for direction on how to proceed with the issues as there is not a contract in place for the duties that the combined County office can not perform. Commissioner Grewell requested that issues first be raised with Jane and her staff and then if Jane feels it is necessary for the Commission to be involved she can bring the issue to their attention.

Commissioner Tucker spoke with Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald regarding the Mud Springs Wind Project weed control plan.

9:30 Road Superintendent Shawn Mains met with Commissioners to discuss road maintenance issues.

10:00 Commissioner Prinkki rejoined the meeting.

10:00 Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum met with Commissioners regarding the Simulcast project. Industrial Communications has submitted a proposal to fix the issues with the system. To solve issues Industrial believes the County needs to replace 12 repeaters with new Bluewave repeaters; estimated cost is $374,960.00. Test repeaters that were installed were working well for the last several months, but started having issues about a week ago. The existing Quantar repeaters are roughly 9-10 years old and have reached their usefull life. If the Bridger repeater project was postponed, there is $226,000 in communications budget and $60,000 in the 911 budget that could be made available. Darrel Krum is convinced that the issues in Red Lodge are related to the switch to narrow band not Simulcast. Commissioner Prinkki would like to discuss the system with an alternative vendor and directly with motorolla.

Commissioner Grewell recommend that we have someone review the proposals and our system needs to verify Industrial’s proposal. Commissioners would like Industrial to be ready to negotiate final payment on the original project when they meet on Monday. Commissioner Prinkki asked Darrel Krum to write a narrative of current system and necessary replacements.

Commissioner Tucker made a motion to accept claims as reviewed for December 2014; Commissioner Grewell second; motion carried.

New Deputy Sheriff Chad Glick was introduced to the Commissioners.
