July 13, 2015


          July 13, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker and John Grewell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Commissioner Tucker moved to approved July 6 and 9 meeting minutes as reviewed; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

          Commissioner Tucker moved to approve claims for June 2015; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

          9:30 District Court Clerk Rochelle Loyning met with Commissioners for her preliminary budget meeting.

          10:00 Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols met with Commissioners for his preliminary budget meeting.

           11:00 Commissioners participated in the fire restrictions conference call. Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum was also present. No restrictions will be put in place at this time.

Darrel also discussed replacing the air conditioner at Red Lodge Mountain and Bearcreek Tower Sites. Darrel will get an estimate to replace them.

          11:30 Jenny Alexander met with Commissioners to discuss an agreement for a Sheriff’s Reserve Officer at Cooney State Park. Sheriff Josh McQuillan was also present. Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Agreement with the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife & Parks for Law Enforcement Services at Cooney State Park; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.  


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant