July 19, 2022
July 19, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Crystal Roascio met with Commissioners regarding the marijuana petitions. After consulting with SOS and County Attorney Roascio asked Commissioners if they will consider petitions signed for the 2022 November election valid for the 2024 general election; Commissioners confirmed that they wish to follow election statute procedures even though the petition is to them rather than a formal petition through the election’s office.
Jason Boato and Randy Tuhy were in attendance to discuss East Side Road Bridges and federal funding to replacement. Asked about East Side Road Bridges and federal funding. Bullock recounted FLAP application and current temporary structure and permanent bridge design for South Bridge; once put in place temp bridge will be removed for permanent bridge to be placed. Bullock recounted other bridge replacement projects going down rock creek and the possibility of consolidating multiple bridges into one bid process. Discussion about propane delivery for winter, landowners are concerned about temporary bridge load limit of 10 tons. Bullock requested they reach out to vendors regarding alternate delivery options.
Bryan Giordano Fish Wildlife and Parks met regarding permitting for flood repairs.
Blain moved to approve the Tort Claim from Deni Hogan for an injury on July 3, 2019 on the Grandstands of the Rodeo Grounds; Miller seconded; discussion that accident was not on County property; all three Commissioners voted in opposition; motion failed
9:20 Grazing Lease Proposals were received from Shane and Stacy Warehime and Robert Hull. Miller moved to accept proposal from Shane and Stacy Warehime for a one year lease; Blain seconded; Discussion regarding insurance, motion amended to include liability insurance requirement; motion carried. Commissioners discussed leases going forward; for next years RFP they would like to include relocation of the fence to capture full 13 acres (sheep tight fence).
9:30 Road and Bridge Preliminary Budget. Commissioners discussed capital equipment purchases, BARSAA projects, increasing staff to 16 FTEs, the use of voted
July 19, 2022 (cont.)
mills (asphalt purchases), and discussed a fall consignment sale through Musser Bros. Auctioneers.
Discussion about placement of Temp Road employee Nick Teesdale. Teesdale will remain in the Red Lodge District until Joliet starts paving mid-August.
10:00 Commissioners Budget. Commissioners discussed the separation of Human Resource functions into its own accounting line; vehicle replacement schedules; and the anticipated increase in fuel and travel costs with the upcoming legislative session.
10:30 Blain moved to appoint Marie Olson to the City of Red Lodge Planning Board; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Miller moved to appoint the following: Bridger Park and Recreation, Ben Sweet; Joliet Fire 1, Alan Markuson; Red Lodge Fire 7, Richard Deville; and Roberts Fire 6 Darcia Northwind Blain seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to approve employee time as submitted; Miller seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Lynde and Kane met for Superintendent of School and Treasurer preliminary budgets. Discussed increased contract cost for Contracted Superintendent of Schools; increased office supplies from the State shifting motor vehicle licensing costs to the County; Lynde requested the addition of a full-time Clerk to assist with the increased volume in her office.
11:40 Lynde met for the year end Treasurer Collateral. Lynde noted the First Interstate balance dwindling down, but there are still a few special district checks coming out of there on a regular basis. Miller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Collateral Report for 4th Quarter 2022; Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:50 Meeting closed to discuss personnel issue.
12:00 Meeting reopened and adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer