July 20, 2017


July 20, 2017

Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Judith Gregory W. Fork Homeowners asked plow road for homeowners. Commissioner Bullock noted cannot maintain road that is not a county road.

9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners. Richard Ryniker Indigent Burial Request. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve burial claim; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried. No response from Industrial on Indemnification letter. Noted have guided Weed District to refer EverPower and Pacific Corp questions to Commissioners. Discussed filling Commissioner Grewell’s seat when it becomes vacant.

9:30 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding his preliminary budget. Discussed grant funds for purchasing equipment for animal crisis situations. Tom noted requested upgrades to EOC and desire to partner with RLACF to hire VISTA to increase public outreach for his program.

10:00 District Court Clerk Rochelle Loyning met with Commissioners to discuss her preliminary budget. Rochelle request $2000 bonus allowed by statute. Noted additional jury services that have taken over from SOS.

Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Gurrero joined meeting.

Commissioners noted would like to enter into agreement to fill road water tender truck from Bridger Town water supply. Would like to request the $40 fee be waived and the per gallon fee waived in lieu of interlocal agreement for cooperative infrastructure projects.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant