NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
8:45 Bullock departed to attend a construction meeting for bridge replacements.

9:00 Blain moved to approve copier maintenance agreements for printers in the Treasurer’s Office, Des Office, and County Attorney’s Office; Miller seconded; motion carried.

9:20 Miller departed to meet with Architects at his Road Shop regarding constructing an addition on the shop.

10:00 Bullock returned. Contract Civil Attorney Jacque Papez and Todd Buchanan met to discuss the encroachment on County property. Papez reviewed Buchanan’s responses; Tabacus believes the drainage system does capture all the water from the roof; they do not believe it can be adjusted to provide access around the south side of the Personal Services building without changing the roof drainage. Buchanan is still waiting on pricing for trees. Tabacus requested to maintain the retaining wall and HVAC components as it is. Papez noted that this winter we will know whether or not there are negative impacts regarding water to the Garage; Buchanan is comfortable making modifications if it is determined that there are negative impacts. Bullock is comfortable with one tree, noting the removal of one tree was approved. Discussion of easement cost; Bullock noted similarly sized parcel for underground utilities was $10,000. Papez also noted survey costs and possible attorney’s fees the County may want to include in easement language. An easement in perpetuity is agreeable to both Bullock and Blain with a provision for remediation of any water on County property outside of the easement and a provision for the obligation to maintain or remove the encroachment if there is a change in use. Buchanan departed.

Discussed the development of a “bus turnaround” at 4 corners and the establishment of an easement.

10:30 Bullock moved to close the meeting to discuss legal strategy in the Bennett Case; Blain seconded; motion carried.

10:45 meeting reopened.

Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2023-22 allocating Wind Impact Fee Funds to the Replacement of a Culvert on Pryor Mountain Road; Blain seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer