July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel.
Meeting delayed start due to independent meetings attended by Commissioners.
Commissioner Blain reported on his meeting with the County’s school Superintendents this morning regarding making plans for re-opening in the COVID-19 environment; face masks or face shields likely will be required.
11:00 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting to report that fire conditions are worsening; on par with 2017 levels which was a bad fire year. Given current fuel conditions, Carbon County is on the brink for Stage I fire restrictions, but Kohley recommended starting with suspending burn permits. Commissioners concurred with suspending burn permits as an exemption can be obtained from a local fire chief if someone needs to burn.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for July 14th and 16th, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Newell detailed the COVID-19 Incident Management Team (IMT) agreements drafted for the Public Information Officer (Amy Hyfield), IMT Data Analyst (Madeline Polivka), and Co-Incident Commander/Consultant (Jason Mahoney). Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the agreements; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Discussion regarding enforcing the Governor’s COVID-19 Directives and under what conditions the Sheriff will issue citations for violations.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Employee Time as submitted; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Newell presented the Beartooth Hospital Public Health contract addendum.
Newell detailed the Commissioners preliminary budget. The Commissioner’s salary line reflects only eight months of Bridger District Commissioner salary due to the vacancy for the first four months. Discussion regarding vehicle replacement cycles and options.
Newell detailed the District Court preliminary budget; reduction in travel line item due to COVID-19.
Newell detailed the Fair budget; they are requesting moving the remaining appropriation of unspent $16.9k from Fiscal Year 2020 to its Capital Improvement Fund.
July 21, 2020 (cont.)
Newell detailed the County Attorney budget. The contracted services line was underspent by $6,000; Commissioners approved moving $6,000 into the Large Trial Fund budget.
With only Tom Kohley having submitted an application for the position, Commissioner Bullock moved to approve hiring Kohley as the Geospatial Information Services / Rural Address Coordinator; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned for lunch.

1:00 Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering joined the meeting to discuss the Road and Bridge preliminary budget. Discussion regarding Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) bridge funding for East Side Road bridges. Commissioner Blain shared that some old bridges (ex: on the Edgar-Fromberg Road) are no longer wide enough to accommodate today’s large farm equipment; Moore stated they can’t be widened without total reconstruction. Moore will evaluate and prioritize some of these bridges. Commissioner Bullock noted that some of the older bridges are now supporting heavy construction traffic such as the Sanford and Volney Creek bridges. Discussion regarding items in the Capital Improvement Plan and vehicle/equipment replacement cycles.

2:00 Adjourned.