July 22, 2021

July 22, 2021
Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners attended two Public Information Meetings this week for the proposed Detention Facility: July 19 at Luther Community Church and July 20 at Belfry School. A panel presentation was given covering topics such as: the decades-long history regarding detention issues, transportation challenges to other counties with facilities, the nature of the crimes being committed and the warrants outstanding, the public safety challenges facing judges with few options for imposing detention on offenders, and construction and operating budgets. A public question and answer sessions concluded the meetings. Attending in Luther: Commissioners Bullock and Miller, Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Detention Facility Committee Member Jane Swanson-Webb, Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek, Gary Levine (Spectrum Architects), Al Spencer, Becky Nelson, Ethel Patzer, Kat Nelson, Janna Hampton Branger, Ruth Bilyeu, Bob Bilyeu, Nick Dobbel, Clint Branger, John Lyrest, Scott Boggio, Lisa Bennett, Chip Bennett, Nanette Tomlin, Heather Quenzer, Dana Quenzer, John Bleacher, and Tom Berry. Attending in Belfry: Commissioners Bullock and Miller, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Detention Facility Committee Members Hal Lewis and Jane Swanson-Webb, Owner’s Representative Shane Swandal (Hulteng CCM), Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek, Gary Levine (Spectrum Architects), Kathleen Armstrong (Spectrum Architects), Mary Boyer, Terrence Goodale, Petie Goodale, Deb Dunn, Aldo Kebschull, Evelyn Kebschull, Cheryl Brown, Beth Pulse, Kyle Gillette, Tom Berry, Steve Carrington, Allen Rapacz, Therese Herden, Willis Herden, Chris Pugrud, Karen Walusky, Becky Gray, Don Frankfurt, Carla Huff, Marissa Godoy, and Marla Ebel.
9:00 Bridger Senior Center Remodel Proposal. Commissioner Miller moved to approve the remodel proposal provided by Morgan Contractors; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Discussion regarding the Joliet Road District Foreman replacement following Jerrid Bergum’s resignation as Foreman; Commissioner Blain will provide Tim Blair his offer letter.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting for his regular update. Discussion regarding a proposed subdivision at the gravel pit on Brewery Hill. Discussion regarding the recent ditch blow-out above Hwy 308 on Bear Creek Hill; 600ft of pipe was laid; researching grants for future mitigation efforts. The City has posted “No camping due to fire danger” signs on their property next to the Fair Grounds.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined for his regular update. 10:10 Meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue; 10:45 meeting re-opened. Deputy County Attorney Mike Ellinghouse will be resigning in September.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve the US Forest Service Cooperative Law Enforcement Annual Operating and Financial Plan; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Justice Court Head Clerk Job Description discussion attended by Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols. Commissioner Bullock expressed that he feels the duties Judge Nichols drafted to reside with the “Head Clerk” should reside with the elected official as the department head; Commissioner Blain concurred and pointed to that there are no “Head Clerk” positions in other County offices such as Clerk and Recorder or Treasurer. Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Head Clerk position as submitted; Commissioner Miller seconded; further discussion that Commissioner Blain prefers to not create the “Head Clerk” position and that the proposed increased responsibilities not be delegated by the department head. No public comment. All Commissioners voted against the motion; motion failed. Judge Nichols proposed hiring a temporary fill-in for days when his office is short-staffed. Commissioner Blain moved to approve a temporary clerk position for Justice Court at the starting Clerk wage; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
11:15 Meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue. Administrative Officer Angela Newell in attendance via phone and joined by Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall; 11:30 meeting re-opened and Commissioner Bullock departed the meeting.
12:00 Adjourned.